The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2356: Crush them (1)

Alchemist who can let Satan catch some dwarves...

I am afraid that no one is in the face. The reason why Satan appears in the square is 100% directed at Shen Yanxiao.

The group of **** in the computational experiment body, it is estimated that no one can call the Satan.

One of the two creation gods who are equal to the Lord God, who can command him?

"In other words, if I bring you to the place, can you let me go first?" Yu Lei looked at Shen Yanxiao with tears, and he didn't want to know what Shen Yanxiao was doing, just to see. The equipment of their team, and the name of the devil, Satan, his already scared legs are soft.

"What? Why do you want to escape?" Shen Yanxiao picked up her eyebrows, and Yu Lei was the most embarrassing man she had ever seen.

In fact, this does not blame Yu Lei, replaced by any ordinary teenager, and now it is estimated that this situation is also the case, the insufficiency has to be scared to the past, it is the legendary existence, with him an honest Pakistani students have Basket relationship?

The reason why Shen Yanxiao feels that Yu Lei is not courageous is because the male around her is not an ordinary person.

The young heroes of the illusion don’t have to say much. The men of the cave wolf mercenary group used to be the ones that slashed the blood of the knife. Even the Suzaku family went up and down, and that was the five major families of the Longxuan Empire. One!

Near Shen Yanxiao, not a genius is a monster, not a demon is a enchanting, emperor, prince, or something, it is commonplace.

When I watched the hero of the hero, Shen Yanxiao, where can I understand the timidity of a small person?

"Hero! Please let me go! I want to live in peace and stability." Yu Lei will give Xiao Yan Xiao Yan, they want to do what they want, he doesn't want to know at all, he wants Can't you mix your days?

He managed to get back a life, how can I go with them to die! ! Never! !

"I said Xiao Xiao, are you sure that this guy used to be a student at Yves Saint Laurent College?" Donnazhi couldn't stand it anymore, although he had no feelings for Yves Saint Laurent, but he came out of St. Roland College, now Seeing that the alumni actually had such a shack, it was hard to believe.

"I am really Saint Laurent College! I know you, Donna, you are a student from Saint Laurent College. You are amazing. We are alumni of a college. You can't live without me." Yu Lei is extremely absent. The temper is holding the thigh of Donagh.

Donna’s mouth twitched slightly, and he endured for a while, and he didn’t slap the idiot to death.

Yu Lei did not provide much information to Shen Yanxiao. After he was caught in the stormy mainland, he was always locked up. He only took him out of the cage when he was conducting experiments. Yu Lei’s character book He was afraid of timidity, he was afraid of angering those guys, so he never dared to read more, until he climbed out of the dead, and he did not figure out how many people he had before.

He basically did not know anything other than the specific position, and he used the poor value.

All the clues need to be answered by Shen Yanxiao after they arrive at their destination.

The dragon **** is not flying, and all the way is the scream of Yu Lei...

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