But this is an eccentric young boy, but he is hard-pressed and Li Xiaowei is drawn into the Xuanwu family. Li Xiaowei has not understood yet, why he will return to the place where he once gave up.

"He is your father, he has a hard time..." The woman looked at her child with distress. She knew that she had already died, and her child could not be alone.

Li Xiaowei took the mother's hand and put it on the cheek. For him, the father did not exist. He had his mother enough.

The woman's tears fell off her eyes, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Li Xiaowei stood quietly on the edge of the bed, holding the mother's hand, feeling the familiar temperature, little by little, tears falling silently.

The heart has already numb, and he can't even utter a word, and he is trembling because of depression and despair.

Suddenly, the dilapidated door was pushed open, and the strange smell appeared in the small, damp room.

Li Xiaowei’s body suddenly froze, and he seemed to have sensed something.

"Xiao Wei?" The low voice came from behind Li Xiaowei.

The voice is familiar but strange.

Li Xiaowei turned slowly and saw the man who should have been called his father. I don’t know when, I came to this dilapidated house. He was a brocade of the cedar, and the handsome face could not see a trace. The traces of the years, such a pampered face, and the face of a woman who has left in bed have a difference.

They should have been husband and wife, but they are already different.

"Xiaowei, I am your father, your mother has left, I think... you should go back to Xuanwu family with me, where you will be well cared for." Handsome man looks at pale children, mouth There is a gentle smile.

The blood of the five great families is so good, the man in front of him looks so powerful.

Li Xiaowei did not understand why there was such a disorder in memory. The man who should not have appeared here, but appeared at this time and extended his hand to him.


The hand held in the hand is such a cold ice, the cold will freeze the soul of Li Xiaowei, and he will stare at the man in front of him.

"Go back? Where are you going?" Li Xiao’s faceless expression.

"Of course it is your home." Man said.

"This is my home." Li Xiaowei blinked his eyes.

"Xiao Wei, I know that you hate me, but you are my child after all."

Li Xiaowei suddenly smiled. He looked at the man who had been rejected by him. The time seemed to be in disorder, and the trajectory of life changed. This man appeared even when his mother had just left, his eyes even I didn't go to see the woman lying in bed.

This is his father?

He thought that this man had always been worried about his mother, but now he knows that his thoughts are so stupid.

This man, after all, is just a coward, a fussy bastard.

"Sorry, I think you admit it wrong. I am not your child. I don't have a father. I only have a mother. I have been living with my mother since childhood. If I have a father, where is my mother and I are hungry when I am hungry? Mother is sick in bed. Where is he? I don't know you, please leave here immediately." Li Xiao only bites his teeth and cuts his teeth.

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