The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2554: The amount of information is too large (5)

The ominous premonition lingered in Suzaku's mind, he could almost conclude that the irresponsible dead woman, Ting Ding went where to go!

Suzaku secretly gritted his teeth and slammed the wall directly, and quickly came to the front of the repair.

Under the wall, the elves who are still paying homage to the Protoss are watching the little World of Warcraft, who is rushing to the face of the fighting god, wondering if he is spending his eyes?

That Warcraft is too incomprehensible and polite! How can I directly rush to the front of the **** of the gods!

Come, let's drag the unrecognizable Warcraft! Don't let him cover the great face of our fight!

If you want to judge, the elves are definitely the first supporters of the Protoss, and their support for the Protoss can be compared with their emphasis on the tree of life.

However, things that made them even more surprised have happened.

"Supreme adult! Where did the dead woman go? She didn't come back with you?" Suzaku rushed to the front of the repair, although it used the honorific words, but the tone did not mean any respect.

The elves under the wall are about to run away!

How can there be such a rude Warcraft! Even with such a questioning tone, they talk to their fighting gods!

And he even dared to call the name of the goddess!

I repaired the Suzaku, who was on the fire.

The elves secretly clenched their fists.

Fighting adults, don't be soft, deal with this rude Warcraft, you should use the power of storms! fast! beat him!

It is a pity that the elves were filled with indignation and did not infect the repairs. Instead of being unhappy with the rudeness of Suzaku, he answered the question of Suzaku very directly.

"She can't come back temporarily."

“Why?” Suzaku’s eyes widened. Although she had a hunch in her heart, he still had a feeling of five thunders when he heard the answer from Xiu!

Seeing that the Mozu must be killed, this time, the dead woman went where it went! !

"Because it can't."

The squeaking of Suzaku's silver teeth, the repair is obviously not intended to explain too much, Suzaku has not been arrogant, I feel that I can make the opening.

He can only throw his own Warcraft aside in the heart, and the owner who runs around is a thousand times!

Qi Xia and others, standing on the side, watching the angry face of the green Suzaku, all showed a bitter smile.

Yes, Shen Yanxiao did not come back with them, even after Shen Yanxiao had been escorted in the days before they returned, leaving the city of the sky, where she went, what to do, why I don’t want to go back to the sun, but all of this, only the repair and her own know, even the other teenagers of the illusion are not known.

The answers to the repairs are the same.


Shen Yanxiao can't go back to the sun and can't be with them, so she left.

This answer is simply not satisfactory, but everyone knows that since the repair is said, they do not need to ask more. Since the repair dare to let Shen Yanxiao leave alone, naturally there is his reason and grasp.

"The elves of the gods and gods, the elves of the gods and the moons have arrived on the day, and they are also instructed by the gods of the gods." Du Lang under the wall has already learned from the rehearsal of Suzaku, their lords, and their troubles. It is missing, so now the problem of the elf can only be dealt with by the gods.

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