The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2563: Devil World (3)

"Every day I practiced this, my old bones will fall apart." A depressing Mozu man sighed and sighed on the table, and the big sword at hand was casually thrown aside.

"Get it, you will be liberated today, contentment." Another Mozu man toasted and scorned.

"What do you know, Qingjun adults let me find the right person, where can I go?" The irritated Mozu grabbed his head and glanced at his companion.

"The request of Qingjun adults is really strange. It is really strange for us to find a woman. It is not too enchanting. Isn’t this a joke? We are not a girl of the Mozu, we want to find a piece of wood, but we are not Is it difficult for us?" Another Mozu man sitting on the side patted the companion's shoulder sympathetically.

"You know a fart, I secretly tell you, Qingjun adults have cleanliness, most hate our five big three thick men, but he is very disgusted with women, weighed again and again, I think women can be clean, so I want to find a less The disgusted woman is a maid, do you understand?" The depressed Mozu whispered to the companion, and his companions immediately showed such expression.

Although his voice was small, he fell into the ears of an unscrupulous thief in the corner.

Qingjun? Shen Yan Xiao Yan blinked, this is a good opportunity to listen to the tone of this group of Mozu soldiers, the name of Qing Jun should be a bit of a head, otherwise how can they call him an adult?

However, at the border of the devil world, there should be no super-class generals who are too high. If she can use this opportunity, she can enter the army and lurk in such a humble identity. It is also a good one. select.

Shen Yanxiao made up his mind and continued to listen to the conversation between the three demons.

It is not to be blamed for the fact that these demons are not vigilant. The whole devil has never entered other races. The Mozu is a race centered on the devil. There is no civil war and intrigue, so these demons dare to talk about it casually.

However, this is a good thing for Shen Yanxiao. The Mozu is very confident about the confidentiality of the Devil World, so they simply don’t think that someone is mixed in the Devil’s world, and there is one less wary, Shen Yanxiao’s little thief. Naturally, it is able to mix like a fish.

The most dangerous place, the safest place.

Who can think of the organization of the anti-magic alliance, at this moment, squatting in the tavern of the Devil, listening to the various information of the Mozu.

The few Mozu soldiers drank the wine, and the more they couldn't control their tongues. In addition to the hard work of training since the time of Tucao, they even spit out a lot of good things.

From the mouths of these soldiers, Shen Yanxiao knows more or less about the situation of some demons.

The area where she is now is the border of the East of the Devil. There are not many Mozu troops stationed here. The main force of the Mozu is concentrated in the twelve main cities of the Central Region, led by twelve demons. In the last battle of the gods and devils, there were several battlefields in the 12th Devils. Now the newly selected demons will be re-opened to the vacancies. From the mouths of these soldiers, they can be heard. The magic that replaces the uplift will be extremely strong, and it is not inferior to the original combat power of the few magical players.

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