The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2615: Can you be so shameful (1)

Facts have proved that the concealment of the blue-brown glass is true, and the careful calculation is also true, but the essence of the only sorrow and sorrow is...and true!

I saw it yesterday. Suzaku, who was a normal teenager, killed the youngster in the morning of the next day. When I saw the blue-and-white glass again, I couldn’t help but wonder if I saw a dream yesterday.

The boy who sat in the living room of the city's main house, hung an iceberg face, and turned a blind eye to other guests, was really the guy yesterday! ! ?

Suzaku thought it was the illusion that he had drunk too much yesterday.

This cargo is still so owed to the flat! !

Everyone has air in his eyes!

Until Shen Yanxiao appeared, the blue seal glass looked up, his eyes followed Shen Yanxiao's figure.


Before the blue seal glass, the roots are not acting, but the nature!

Suzaku feels tired.

"Everything is coming." Shen Yanxiao smiled and looked at Qi Xia and other people sitting in the hall, and they were surrounded by them and turned into humanoid unicorns.

Yesterday, 狴犴, 睚眦 and 饕餮 have already set off. Today, Kirin contacted the Phoenix couple and came to the city government to prepare for a farewell to Shen Yanxiao.

The Phoenix couple is the first two World of Warcraft partners to follow Shen Yanxiao. They have always used their own strength to guard the day.

They are about to travel, they are reluctant to hold the little Phoenix farewell.

Although, the bear child of his own family rushed to the arms of Suzaku in the morning, but as a relative and mother, how do you care.

There are three phoenix family members here. Here, a few sacred beasts, but with their own masters, staged a scene of tragic tragedy.

"Xuanwu Wuwu... You must remember to think about me when you leave. Remember to write back. You have left me for the first time. I will miss you. I have to take care of myself outside. Don’t rain, don’t eat. Unclean things, don't..." Donnagh's hand holding a basaltic weapon, crying and tears, holding a long list of things, listening to the Xuanwu mouth twitching.

I know, they also know that they are going to call Warcraft, I don’t know, they thought they were going to be the first troops to attack the Mozu, and the owner of his two goods had a tear in his nose. I am so happy! Didn't the goods notice, the other World of Warcraft and humans look at their eyes are not right?

Please, can he make a long snack, don't make a living with him, and write a letter! Whoever saw Warcraft will write a letter!

Although Xuanwu wanted to slap a slap in the face of his own stupid master, he looked at the crying eyes and still endured it.

The mourning of Donna’s crying and robbing the land made the other illusionary teenagers very embarrassed.

Qilin glanced at the tangled Xuanwu who wanted to die, and turned to look at Qi Xia.

I wrote with a face, "If you dare to do such a shameful thing, I will die!"

Qi Xia chuckled, just patted Kirin's shoulder and said, "Come back soon." It is gone.

It is really special and simple.

The arrogant hands of the Eight-Different Snake circled the chest and looked at the stupid one and one beast. It was very disdainful. "Is that idiot really your brother?"

Li Xiao only touched his nose with a sly smile, and smiled with a look.

He wants to say no, does anyone believe?

"Fortunately, you are not a mother, or the ghost knows whether the idiot will be infected."

Li Xiaowei wants to cry a little.

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