The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2619: Final deployment (1)

The movement of the Mozu indicates that the war is coming, and the Mozu has already understood the current situation in the bright continent. They have finally taken the valley and are about to start a war.

Shen Yanxiao sat in the hall, and his face was not very nice.

The action of the Mozu is faster than she imagined, and they have not returned yet. Suzaku's plan to convince Warcraft does not know how to progress.

But the Mozu, can't wait any longer.

Once the Mozu is up, the horn of the battle is about to blow.

"From now on, the ridiculous land enters a state of full-scale confrontation!" Shen Yan Xiao Yan squinted and issued the final command before the battle.

"The Elf King, please go to the Seven Kingdoms with the friends of the Elves." Shen Yanxiao looked at the Elf King. The Seven Kingdoms is composed of seven small countries. No matter the strength or the distribution of the city, they are not concentrated in other countries. Therefore, the most powerful, and the elves with agility are best suited to go to the Seven Kingdoms. With their ability and the geographical position of the Seven Kingdoms, they can use the major cities of the Seven Kingdoms to consume the army of the Mozu.

"The elf listens to the arrangement of the lord at any time." The Elf King got up, and his left hand clenched his fist against the right chest, and piously bent down in front of Shen Yanxiao.

As early as the return of Shen Yanxiao, she has become the ally of the entire Alliance Army!

“汐颜, the friends of the mermaid family immediately went to the Lancang dynasty.” Shen Yanxiao looked at Yan Yan, the mermaid family left the sea, the combat power will be greatly reduced, the blue dragon dynasty is facing the sea, the distribution of rivers and lakes in the country is also better than Other countries are much denser and become the main battlefield of the mermaid. Even without the ocean, the rivers and lakes in the Lancang Dynasty will provide them with enough water.

"The mermaid family is leading the way!" Yan Yan got up, picked up the skirt, and kneeled on one knee.

"Meng Mengqi, the wind wind alliance is handed over to you." Shen Yan Xiao looked at Meng Mengqi, the Shenfeng Alliance's individual combat strength is the strongest, good at frontal combat, the dwarf's mechanical warrior can be integrated into the mercenary, and, dwarf The individual strength is relatively fragile, and the mercenaries of the Shenfeng Alliance can also **** the dwarves to a certain extent, so that their alchemy can play a greater role.

"The dwarfs are obliged to follow the instructions of the lord." Meng Qiqi got up, and he cleaned his knees on one knee.

"Doudou." Shen Yanxiao looked at the peas, his eyes hesitated.

The situation of peas is not the same as other leaders. In addition to the identity of the dragon leader, another identity is the dragon of the Yangxi.

When the peas lead the dragons away, the Yangxi will lose a comrade.

Peas have stood up and looked at Shen Yanxiao seriously, waiting for Shen Yanxiao’s instructions.

Shen Yanxiao sighed softly, although she hopes to have more combat power to stay with her companions, but...

"Doudou, you lead the dragons to the Longxuan Empire." The Longxuan Empire can be said to be the weakest spot on the bright continent. Because of the inaction of the last emperor, the military power of the Longxuan Empire was greatly delayed. Yan Xiao can only let the strongest dragons station in the Longxuan Empire to ensure that the Longxuan Empire can withstand the attack of the Mozu.

"The dragons have to make orders!" Doudou screamed on the knees, and replied powerfully.

Once, the fragile little golden dragon has been reborn and grown into a determined dragon king!

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