The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2624: Not refunding! Not falling! not regret! (1)

The sun rises from the horizon, like a flame, spreading the earth, and dyed the golden fire.

When the shadow of black obscures the glory of the sun, the crisis envelopes the entire bright continent.

It was an incomparably large army, densely packed, like a black storm, sweeping into the ridiculous land in the distance.

The glory of the morning did not bring hope to the world, but sent disaster to people's vision.

On the city bank at the border of the ridiculous land, humans, demons, and undead stood on the wall, holding the blade in their hands, and the gunners stood nervously beside the artillery. The archers had already boarded the tower.

They saw that the black storm was rushing toward their comfortable city at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the entire city became silent.

Last night, they received news from the Lord of the Lord, their city, will become the first level against the Mozu!

The battle with the Mozu will start the first shot at them!

The black storm swept the world, sheltering the sun, endless, and rushing like the dark tide.

It is the most terrible army ever seen in people's history. It spreads from the center of the horizon to the sides, constantly advancing and spreading, as if it is endless.

The earth is shaking, and the footsteps coming from far away are coming to people's hearts.

Near, near.

When the black storm gradually approached, the face of the Mozu army finally appeared in people's sight.

Dark armor, sharp rifle, the demon soldiers standing on the horse stand tall, the black flag flutters in the wind!

A dark gold armored demon rides on the front of the team with a black lion-shaped monster. On his side, the twelve devils will follow.

The endless army of the Mozu is like a flood, crowded with people's sight.

100,000! million! Millions!

Countless enemies are constantly approaching.

People on the border town of the ridiculous land held their breath.

"Devil God, please let me attack first." Heaven came to the side of the demon god, respectfully bent down the waist, in the pair of violet scorpions, jumping with bloodthirsty fanaticism.

The long-lost killings will eventually awaken this bloodthirsty demon from the abyss.

Satan’s lips twitched slightly and nodded slightly.

On the bright continent, he is back, the sad man, whether he is ready for death.

"You know what to do." Satan faintly said.

"Up and down the city, there is no one to live." The enthusiasm in the eyes of the sky is getting hotter.

Slaughter city!

"Go." Satan made a request for heaven.

The sky is turning in the direction and the arm is swung.

"Give me kill!"

Among the army of the Mozu, there was a roar of the treacherous, and the people standing on the wall were stung by the snoring.

The army of the Mozu began to move forward, people know.

The war has begun.

"Everyone listens to me! We are the first line of defense in the ridiculous land! In any case, we must drag the Mozu's offensive as much as possible! Don't let those demons stun us! Today, I will wait The desert city coexisted and died! The city was destroyed, but the people died!" On the wall, the city owner responsible for the defense, with a firm face, issued the final instructions.

Even if only the last person is left in battle, they will not leave the city half a step!

If the Mozu wants to step into a barren land, they must first step on the bodies of all of them!


At the beginning of the war, comrades were psychologically prepared to start the rhythm of abuse.

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