The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2627: Not refunding! Not falling! not regret! (4)

"Hey, the young man of the human race has such a good archery. It’s really amazing." The sky with a sinister smile slowly pulled back and looked at the falling figure of the dead juvenile archer, on the palm of his hand. The warm blood makes the bloodthirsty in his eyes boil.

This time, the human defense ability far exceeded his expectations, and the intensity of the entire attack has undergone a radical change.


This will only make him more excited.

Knowing the struggling prey will only provoke the war of hunting.

The other archers on the tower were simply reacting to what was going on.

The partners who were still fighting with them just died in front of them. He was still young. They remembered that before the war, he said that he would be sixteen years old in a few days. Birthday...

But now, he is dead, dead in front of them, falling in a pool of blood, the smile of the tender and tender as if with the firmness before death.

That's it, it's dead.

"Kill you!" The archers had tears in their eyes, and they took up bows and arrows, aiming at the beautiful and beautiful people who didn't know when to come to the tower.

The sky shrugged and looked at the face full of hate, and said with a cruel smile: "Since you are so reluctant, then... let's go with him!"

In an instant, the red blood splashed on the entire tower. In the blink of an eye, several archers on the tower were exhausted and silently poured into the pool of blood.

The blood under them gathered into a river, dyed the entire tower, and the blood of the patter, dripping down from the tower.

"Ha ha ha!!! Long-lost feeling! Haha!" The sky stood in a pool of blood, and the body was covered with blood. He held several fresh hearts in his hand. He looked obsessed with his hands. A tight, the heart in the hand is crushed.

Like the evil spirits crawling out of hell, the face of heaven is full of killing madness.

kill! Kill all the humans here!

One does not stay!

Death, spreading from the city of the desert city, enjoys the thrill of killing.

The city owner of the desert city was shocked to see the demon who kept screaming and squandering their companions.


He is a demon!

"The city owner! The northern wall is broken!"

"The city owner! The siege weapon is hitting the gate, and the gate must not stand!"

"The city owner! The ladder of the Mozu, come up!"

One after another, the bad news came, the eyes of the city owner were red, and he held the sword in his hand and summoned his own Warcraft.

"The gunners and archers continue to attack, how much can be killed, others, go with me to the city gate! Prepare to meet the enemy!"


A loud bang, the gates of the desert city were finally broken, and countless demons, demons and monsters rushed into the city. The humans and their allies in the city immediately rushed to block the Mozu’s footsteps with their flesh and blood. .

Blood is gathered at the gates of the desert city, and the earth under the feet has been soaked in blood.

The magicians continue to support their companions from the wall, but the demons who rushed to the wall with the ladder have come to them, and the magical and undead wizards with the least defenses have become the most vulnerable targets. The moment before they provoked their chest, they still did not give up their support for their companions.

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