The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2629: Not refunding! Not falling! not regret! (6)

The blood flows into the river.

Deaths in the desert city are staged everywhere, and the situation is seen everywhere for juvenile archers and female pastors.

Despair spreads in people's hearts.

The demon was torn by the Mozu, the human being was smothered by a rifle, and the undead was crushed into broken bones. The body of Warcraft was piled up in a pool of blood.

With them, there are countless demons that have been killed.

Death is permeated in the air.

The artillery on the wall was broken, and the last ammunition had been blasted into the camp of the Mozu. The body of the gunner was lying on the edge of their artillery. The torch was still in the hand, and the blood extinguished the flame a little.

The gate has been broken and the wall has fallen.

In the 30 minutes before and after, the whole city has been completely unrecognizable.

When all the soldiers lost, when all the allies had given their lives, the deserted city owner with the scars stood in the middle of the city, surrounded by the fallen generals of the undead, surrounded by the soldiers of the Mozu.

Thirty minutes, it was so short in the years.

However, it is true that tens of thousands of people have used their lives to delay the time that millions of troops have fought.

The disparity between the enemy and the enemy forces should have allowed this small city to collapse in an instant, but they have been holding for thirty minutes.

The cost of these thirty minutes is the end of the almost complete destruction.

The whole city, now only the city owner is still alive, and his body has been covered with countless scars, and Warcraft, who has been fighting with him for many years, has already died in front of him.

Now, what he has to face is the horrible demon.

"Look at your appearance, it should be the city owner of this city." The blood came from the sky, and he was not one of the top and bottom, not blood red, but none of these blood belongs to him.

The city owner of the desert city squinted and looked at the demon.

"It's better, how do we make a deal? I will leave you a life. You will give me the distribution map of the big cities in the ridiculous land." Heaven is not going to kill this human being, even though the devil has sent his hand to collect. The information in the bright continent is nothing but the ridiculous land, but the secret work of the ridiculous land is so perfect that they have not grasped the true topographic map of the ridiculous land.

Therefore, he wants to see if this human being can provide clues for him.

Human beings have always been greedy and fearful of death, timid and fragile. In order to save their lives, what can not be sold?

It is a pity that this time, the abacus of the day is wrong.

The city owner of the desert city laughed out.

"Distribution of the ridiculous land? Want? Dream!"

The sky shrugged. "You don't say it doesn't matter. I have a way to let you say it. Take this person away."

The Mozu soldiers went to the city, but as they approached, the city owner suddenly whispered a whisper, and a cluster of fire was set on his chest.

The sky was extremely sensitive and found an abnormality, but he had not waited for him to respond.

A loud bang, but it blew up everything in front of him.

The city owner detonated the black powder that was tied to him, and at that moment, smashed himself, together with the hundreds of demons around him.

Do not retreat, do not drop, do not regret.

He is the city owner of the desert city. His city people are already dead. His comrades are already dead. Why should he live in this world?

Vow to live together with the desert city!

At the moment when the roaring sounded, the black gunpowder linked to the explosion exploded in succession. The entire desert city was swallowed by the sea of ​​fire in an instant, and all the demons in the city became the burial of the desert city!

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