The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2645: The human race is never a slave (2)

The war has continued to heat up, and in addition to the ridiculous land, the fighting in the other four countries is continuing.

Under the fierce attack of the Mozu, the defensive lines of various countries are constantly shrinking to the rear, and the alien allies who have settled in cooperate with human beings to continue to attack the Mozu.

In the battlefield of the ridiculous land, the battle lasted fiercely.

Shen Yanxiao received news from the front line, the twelve demons will be shot, but the target they started is not the leader of all ethnic groups. They are not close to the five main cities, but they extend their claws to the owners of the major cities. .

In just two days, dozens of city owners were killed by the devil in the city, and even their families were affected, almost completely destroyed.

Shen Yan was angry.

To fight the bright and honest fight, a group of powerful demons, who ran to kill their city owners, what means?

In the hall, Du Lang silently watched Shen Yanxiao, who was already angry and angry. Since the war, no matter how fierce the battle is, Shen Yanxiao has always maintained absolute calm and commanded the overall situation, but today, their lords are true. Get angry.

"Don't give them some color, I really thought that my ridiculous land is a good bully." Shen Yanxiao's clenched fists had a squeaky sound.

The Mozu is strong, she has always known, so she used the method of warfare to weaken the strength of the Mozu. The Twelve Devils will shoot, and she has already prepared, but she never thought that the Twelve Devils will start. The goal is to be the city owner in each city.

According to the news from the hands of the silver, the Twelve Devils are going to ask where the entrance to the underground passage of the city is.

Previously, for the sake of safety, the entrances to all the bottom passages have been replaced. Except for the city owners of each city, there is no second person who knows where the entrance to the passage is. Once the gate is forced, the city owner will lead the rest in the first time. Combat power is transferred to the safe zone through the underground passage.

After playing for so long, the Mozu could not have found the existence of the underpass, but when they attacked the city, the underground passage had been blown up and they could not get more clues.

The Twelve Devils will be shot at the city, for a large part of the reason, in order to get the news of the underground passage.

The defensive power of the ridiculous land is very strong, and the consumption war of Shen Yanxiao has already played a role. The Mozu wants to advance to the day at a normal speed, and it is impossible to complete it in a short time, so they think of other methods. .

The city owners became the direction in which they seized the breakthrough.

The good news is that so far, no city owner has told the location of the underground passage.

The underground passage of the ridiculous land is still safe.

However, the practice of the Mozu has already angered Yan Yanxiao.

"Lord, anger." Jiu Shudao.

Looking at the expression of Shen Yanxiao, he always felt that something bad happened.

"Reassured, I won't be coming." Shen Yan Xiao blinked and continued to let the magic go so busy, the loss will be more and more, the city owner is killed, if there is no new leader replacement, the city is encountering the Mozu When attacking, it is impossible to organize an effective defense, and it is impossible to enter the underground passage after the gate is broken.

Even if the Mozu can't find the underground passage, it is very troublesome to disrupt the city's defense deployment. If Shen Yanxiao can let them continue, she is not Shen Yanxiao.

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