The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2656: The horn of the decisive battle (1)

The situation of cats and mice has not lasted for too long, and the 12 demons will have been recalled. They will lead the team to attack the city.

The purpose of Shen Yanxiao was reached. In the first time after receiving the news, the Magic Spirit team withdrew from the battlefield.

Six people of the Magical Squad, thousands of thousands of generals who have been killed, and these brilliant achievements have spread throughout the ridiculous land, so that the Alliance Army in the midst of hard work is inspiring.

Even their lords have personally shot, what else do they dare?

For a time, the ridiculous land was so arrogant, and the decadence of many city owners was swept away.

Shen Yanxiao retired from the day and waited for the final battle.

The confrontation between the Alliance Army and the Mozu has just begun, and the wolf smoke has been ignited everywhere in the bright mainland.

The four kingdoms and the coalition forces fought bravely to kill the enemy, and they hardly delayed the pace of the demon attack.

The Mozu generals were slaughtered, Satan was angry, and the Mozu’s means of attacking in the ridiculous land were even more extreme. The separated Mozu army began to regroup and unify the pace. This time, Satan ordered the 12 devils to lead the team, like the blade. Cut into all the cities in front of the Mozu army.

The addition of the Twelve Devils will make the whole battle more cruel.

It is necessary to say that small cities and medium-sized cities, even the large-scale city with strong defense, can only survive the two days of the Mozu attack, and the third day will break.

Although Shen Yanxiao’s practice prevented the Mozu’s plan, it also angered Satan.

The entire battlefield has entered a stage of white-hot, and the advancement of the Mozu army is getting faster and faster. Satan is already a strong attack without cost. No matter how much it costs to capture a city, he must sweep the barren land in the shortest possible time.

Satan’s violent walk made it easier for Shen Yanxiao to consume the Mozu army, but the same, the violent devil’s lethality became even more terrible.

When several small towns were broken, the coalition forces in the city did not have time to retreat. They were forced to smash into the magical forces of the city and the massacre of the Mozu. Numerous cities and towns were presented after the war, and there was no tragedy. The Alliance Army, who knew that the retreat was hopeless, could only fight for a battle. At the end, it detonated the black gunpowder in the city and swallowed itself and the influx of the Mozu.

A string of casualty data was sent to Shen Yanxiao’s hand, and the blood-stained battle flag was hung high in the city’s undefeated city. The battle of despair was imprinted in everyone’s heart. They are waiting, waiting for the final battle to come, waiting for a moment of battle with the Mozu.

Outside the city, there is an empty land, a piece of black slate, which is engraved with every hero who died in this battle. There is no corpse in the tomb. Nowadays, they are unable to bring the bodies of these heroes back to the sun.

The only thing left in this world is their name, and the heroic deeds that can never be forgotten.

Let's fight.

Let's fight.

The piece of black tombstone reminds the soldiers who are not falling all the time, their comrades-in-arms have already sacrificed on the way to resist the enemy, and their enmity will be reported by them!

Shen Yanxiao sat in the city's main house, and her face was firm. She had received news that the Mozu army would not arrive in the city until the day of arrival.

After a few months of hard work, the Mozu army finally has to come to the sun!

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