The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 806: Demon Union (1)

"Lord, do you really want to put a lot of people in?" The cranes are dull, and now the human beings are not too small, but the psychology of these people is all tempered, and the demon can be calm. However, he does not feel that the human beings outside will continue to smile calmly after seeing them.

It’s not a problem to flee in the wild. It’s direct to faint them.

The demon's name is different from that of human beings. Nine uncles call her the city owner, because she is the owner of the day, but in the eyes of these demons, it is simply a ridiculous place to provide them with the dark elements of the darkness. The lord of this territory, if all the demons in the ridiculous land know that there is a delicious dark element on the side of Shen Yanxiao, it is appropriate to bring the family to the door to seek for feeding.

Shen Yan Xiao cocked his legs and sat on the chair with his head in his head. He looked at the dozens of high-level demons crowded in the hall. As the number of demons disappeared, the number of high-level demons almost broke through three hundred, according to the demon. In terms of strength ranking, she generally only consults with the top 20 high-level demons. As for the other ones, they are handed over to these twenty guys to be responsible for communication.


Twenty high demons, look at me, I look at you, my expressions are very distorted.

"This... we have no opinions, but we are afraid that people who are not outside the day will not have enough psychological capacity."

They are willing to have friendly exchanges with human beings, but those people don't know. It is also 100% of things when they see them. If they are pursued by Shen Yanxiao, they are not unlucky.

Shen Yanxiao picked up his eyebrows, and a group of high-level demons shook three.

"First come in and slowly adapt, look at the low and medium demons under your hands."


Turn in first?

The demons are careful about the liver trembles. On weekdays, Shen Yan Xiao Lei is very popular, and he did not expect to treat the same kind of unscrupulous.

Is it really okay to help the demon to fool humans?

"The lord, since we are going to open the city, what do we have to do in the future?" The prisoner pressed down his heart and shocked Shen Yanxiao’s lack of a lower limit. Compared with human beings, he is more concerned about how they will be in the future. At the office.

The day has not become a real city, and a large number of humans will enter immediately. What should they do with these high monsters? Sleeping on the street all day, maintaining law and order?

Shen Yan Xiao Yan blinked his eyes. It is a bit unaccustomed to let tens of thousands of demons eat white and drink. Although it does not cost money to eat and drink, it is not a pity that the free labor force is not too bad.

Especially the high-level demon of these hundreds, each strength is comparable to the second-turn professional, so powerful help, if not, she is a fool.

Touching the chin, Shen Yanxiao's gaze is back and forth in a dozen high-level demons.

Naked gaze, let a group of demons feel that their clothes are about to be smashed by Shen Yanxiao's eyes. They have always had no face and no skin, and they even subconsciously protect their chests, the appearance of two women.

"There is one thing, it is very suitable for you to do." Shen Yanxiao's mouth evokes a bad smile, three hundred "two turn professional", this is definitely the most luxurious team in the bright continent.

Although the high-level demon is different from the real second-turn professional, there is absolutely no problem with people who roll the second turn.

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