The emperor of the Longxuan Empire was very hard-pressed, and this hardship was something that no one else knew at all. Everyone thought that he was complacent and self-satisfied for the completion of the day, and who could understand his inner suffering.

If you don't die, you won't die. The emperor really tasted the feeling of being short-sighted by his own eyes.

No matter how hard and unwilling he is, he has to do superficial work. The disharmony within the country cannot be understood by any other three countries anyway. Even if he and Shen Yanxiao are not pleasing to each other, In the face of the other three countries, there must be all kinds of harmony and love.

Ever since, the emperor silently shed tears, wrote a large list of gifts for people to send to the day, and wrote a purpose, to tell the entire Longxuan Empire, the ridiculous land finally has a piece belonging to the Longxuan Empire. territory.

When the royal notice came out, the people of the Longxuan Empire no longer had any doubts.

Cheering up and down the country.

They finally got their heads out, and they didn't have to look at the other three countries in the ridiculous land.

Although they do not know Shen Yanxiao, they have expressed a high degree of appreciation and praise for the little beauty who brought glory to their own country. Numerous civilians spontaneously and automatically regarded Miss Shenqi as their idol.

A fourteen-year-old girl, who did what others said could not do, is much more inspirational!

They are proud!

This girl is their country!

In the cheers, there are also some discordant voices. The sources of these sounds are basically around the identity of Shen Yan Xiaoshu. These people are mostly the elite family in the Longxuan Empire. They are disasters for the warlocks. Deep understanding, there is a great prejudice against the warlock profession.

The success of Shen Yan Xiao Jiancheng, in their view, is a sign that the warlock is about to rise.

But no one will be stupid enough to sing the opposites at this time. Even the emperor expressed his friendship to Shen Yanxiao. The voice of the murderous people in the civilians is a wave higher than a wave. At this time, if someone dares to jump out and blame Shen Yan Xiaoshu is not safe, and it is estimated that it will be drowned by the people's spit in minutes.

The Longxuan Empire will be proud of it.

But the other three countries are not happy.

They didn't even think that the Longxuan Empire could succeed in building the city in such a short period of time. According to the news that they came back from the power of the ridiculous land, it was only half a year since Shen Yanxiao entered the ridiculous land.

For half a year, I developed a main city, and this amazing speed scared a vote.

The ridiculous land of the four countries gathered, and in the future, in the battle for resources, I am afraid that it will become more and more fierce.

This is no one wants to see it.

However, they are also helpless. This city has been built. It is basically impossible to do any small moves. There are four countries that are bound by it. Whoever starts first will become the target of public criticism.

Almost all the top three countries are cursing the shamelessness of the Emperor of the Longxuan Empire, making a little guy to confuse the audience, let them take it lightly, and the result is a blitzkrieg. If you have any exercises, don’t know the other three countries. The small towns must be thirty or fifty years old. You have been done in the past six months. Do you still want them to live?

I have been ridiculed for the three high-level people who have no one in the Longxuan Empire. I feel that my face must be swollen.

In the Magic City, Judi was restless.

He did not forget what Shen Yanxiao said.

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