The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 817: Pearl stone (3)

The pearl stone is a rare precious gem for human beings. The mermaid has been in the deep sea for a long time, and it is closely connected with the bright continent where human beings are located. However, few people will contact humans. For mermaid, non-ethnic people It must be different, they are not willing to contact any other race.

Often a grain of pearlite is worth tens of thousands of gold coins, far more weight than other gems, but this thing is too rare, no one dares to go to the deep sea of ​​mermaid to trade with them, and the elves can still cherish The seeds and the gorgeous costumes are exchanged, but for the mermaid, humans are helpless.

There are so many treasures in the deep sea, the mermaid's residence is full of corals, pearls everywhere, football-sized pearls they used to play as a ball, humans, something, they are not interested.

There is basically no trade possibility between humans and mermaid. Occasionally one or two pearls are discovered by people in the sea. When the mermaid dies, they will leave the group quietly, swim to the deep sea, and die silently. The dead stones of the dead, or sink into the endless seabed, or with the waves left on the coast of various continents.

The pearls of the bright continent are basically found on the beach.

However, even if it is found...

It is also a big loss.

So big in front of me...

Shen Yan Xiao mouth twitches slightly, don't say that the mermaid who only drops two tears in his life, even if he is crying every day, wants to gather such a big tear, I am afraid that I will not cry for a lifetime.

The value of this piece of pearl stone is hard to estimate.

Shen Yanxiao put this piece of pearl stone on his hand and put it on the mat. It is a good thing, and this is what makes her very confused.

"Humans are really bad taste, people's tears are a treasure." Suzaku glanced at the beads, very disapproving, tears condensation is not unique to mermaid, some unique beasts have such a situation, but the beast is rare See, let alone let those high-beasted beasts cry, it is even more impossible.

Shen Yanxiao raised his eyebrows and slapped it on Suzaku’s head.

"This is a business opportunity, you know a basket." Human beings are the weakest of the eight races, and neither the strength nor the system can compete with other major races.

The elf's natural healing ability and perception of nature, the undead undead is almost eternal life, the dwarf's strong physique and extreme creativity, the speed and regeneration of the mermaid, the dragon is comparable to the body of the armor and the innate Force, the unbeatable power of the Mozu, the supreme power of the Protoss...

This is beyond human reach.

But one of humanity is beyond all races.

That is learning.

From the time of their birth, human beings have the ability to learn and imitate from instinct. They are weak, so they practice magic and vindictiveness. They are weak, so they sign a life and death contract with the powerful Warcraft. They are ignorant, so they know that they gather all the wisdom of the people. Slowly fill the ignorance.

Human beings can have a place in this world, able to guard the bright continent where they live, and because they have their own strength.

Believe in the Protoss, make friends with the elves, and make good friends with the Dragons. Stay away from the dead, not in the deep sea of ​​the mermaid, and praise the wisdom of the dwarf...

Humans are smart, so humans have survived.

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