The leisurely leisure all the way makes people still have a lot of shock when they see the sun.

In the ridiculousness, such a domineering city is quietly standing in front of them, and the glistening walls in the sun make everyone's hearts extremely shocking.

The day is not really built, the Longxuan Empire has no flicker, it really built a brand new main city in half a year!

The visitors of the Longxuan Empire laughed on their faces, which was their pride and made them straighten their waists.

The guests from other three countries have already wanted to swear.

Look at the people's Longxuan empire to open up the main city for half a year. Looking at the people in their country, it took nearly ten years to build a successful city. How much manpower and material resources were spent?

The same is the city, is the gap so big?

The people of the Longxuan Empire stood up and walked into the sun, and the rest of the people were not too good-looking.

The defending guardian of the city is selected by Shen Yanxiao from three thousand slaves. Each body is strong and healthy, and the people are tall and tall. The light armor worn by the Qilin family is made by the tailor shop of Qilin family. When a family owner sits in the town, those tailors are naturally incomparable, and the uniforms are better than those worn by the Emperor of the Dragon.

The city, which is awe-inspiring, and the mighty guards, are shocked by those who have come to the sun.

Entering the day and not falling, there is a scene of prosperity and prosperity, new buildings are scattered, and the clean streets are clean and people want to roll on them.

The aborigines who occasionally pass by on the road are brightly dressed and look good. It makes people feel that this is not a city in the ridiculous land, but a paradise.

The guests outside the Longxuan Empire were careful that the liver had become a group. It was really enviable and hateful to create such a city in half a year. At the same time, they also had a strong interest in the city’s sundown, Shen Yanxiao. .

According to the news they got, Shen Yanxiao was only fourteen years old this year. She was born in the Suzaku family, one of the five super-worlds of the Longxuan Empire. Before she built the day, they basically didn’t hear this Xiao Nizi. The name, but she was so silent and did something that shocked the mainland.

Also being talked about is her profession - the warlock.

This profession, which has been seen in many people's minds, has never seen Shen Yanxiao himself, but is constantly speculating about her identity and achievements.

The soldiers who defended the city were carefully handed over by Shen Yanxiao. When they saw a vote, they did not panic. They told the people about the order of the city.

“Don't you come to the auction?” The slaves turned into guards. These guards had faded the inferiority of the slaves under Shen Yanxiao’s training.


"The city owner thought that everyone had prepared a place to stay, and invited everyone to come with me." The guard turned and took a group of people to build a hotel in the city.

This group of people and the mercenaries of the entourage, there are thousands of them in total, so that a large team does not fall into the day, but it does not cause any aboriginal people to look around, but they themselves are like a group of bandits, staring at the day. Everything that doesn’t fall inside is very fresh.

The day has not been built, but there have been many shops, and most of these shops sell some of the resources of daily necessities and ridiculous land itself.

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