I really couldn't bear to continue to watch my young master, and the family finally dissuaded.

The nobles were hard-pressed. Now some people persuaded them to calm down a lot. He bit his teeth and looked at the youth. He was unwilling to sit back on his seat and no longer snoring.

On the auction platform, Qi Xia estimated that 5 million is the transaction price of the pearl stone. He asked the model three times again. This was the final decision and the final sale of the pearl stone was finalized.

If you want to get the young people with the pearls, you want to vomit blood.

The **** seemed to be born to be right against him. He pressed directly to his bottom limit and did not move. God knows that as long as the idiot dares to add even a gold coin, he has an excuse to kill him.

Today, although things are at hand, but this price...

Young people want to die, and they want to die than if they can't shoot the beads.

This kind of thing that can be used to get a hand for a million is actually a pit of five million!

Who can change, who can be comfortable.

However, under the eyes of the public, he really couldn't do anything. He could only make a face with a sly expression and follow the guys in the auction to pay in the background.

Five million...

Potholes are this!

Someone is tragedy, and some people are happy.

Shen Yanxiao almost did not smile on the ground, that piece of pearl stone can actually sell five million? She didn't even dream of it. I really didn't know what the young man and the nobles were thinking.

Shen Yanxiao is not very kind. If they know the true use of the pearls, they will find that the real benefits of the pearls have been lost by her. I don’t know if I will vomit blood and die.

However, after thinking about it, there are not many people who know the characteristics of the pearl stone. Even her grandfather Shen Feng did not know it. I am afraid that only this guy will know such an upset thing.

With this layer of thought, Shen Yanxiao is much calmer.

The auction of gems came to an end, and under the shock of the 5 million shocks, people also recovered a little bit of fearful liver and waited for the next auction.

The young man who got the skeleton stone, after paying the money, succumbed to a face and left the auction house without returning.

No matter how ferocious the previous auction is, the next thing is what most people need.

Precious magic books, long-lost daggers, Guanghua Jingshi from the God of the Moon...

Many rare treasures, this really started the auction.

And this is also the battle between the family.

A batch of things have been sold, and more than eight orders of magic cores have been carried out for auction. Don’t talk about the family, even some strong people can’t help but get out.

For a time, the price increase in the entire venue was overwhelmed.

It’s not lively.

Shen Yan Xiao Yu counted the gold coins in the background, and the four beasts except the Qixia accident also came together.

After these things were carried on the auction floor, the combat power of Qi Xia really began.

Hundreds of thousands of things flicker you hundreds of thousands is not a problem, hundreds of thousands of things are not a million you do not want to take.

The technical leader of this cargo pit is at its peak, and even Shen Yanxiao can only bow down to the wind, worshipping the mouth of a dead man who does not pay for it.

However, it is outrageous, but no one can surpass the terrible situation of the pearl.

A small amount of money is indispensable.

However, after most of the auctions ended, the next thing to be auctioned is the senior potion that Shen Yanxiao personally configured.

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