How can Shen Yanxiao guess the minds of these super-families?

I think it's good, save money and don't hurt my face.

If she changed other goods, Shen Yanxiao despised them most, after all, the money fell into her pocket.

However, these pharmacies were prepared by her own hands. All the income was owned by her. The distribution of such harmonious and friendly love was obviously harmful to her interests.

Can't bear it! Can't stand it!

Shen Yanxiao secretly bite his teeth, and his heart immediately had a wonderful idea.

She immediately drank a bottle of invisible potion, and the high-level invisible potion could reach the stealth effect within ten seconds. Even if it was a second-turn strong, it could not be seen. She disappeared in their sight under the shock of four animals. .

On the auction platform, Qi Xia’s mouth twitched slightly, and this group of old foxes had a lot of ideas.

Just as he wondered how he could destroy their plans, a familiar voice quietly passed into his ears.

Qi Xia's eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and soon disappeared. The people under the stage did not find any abnormalities on the auction floor. They all smiled and waited for the auction of the next bottle of vindictive pharmacy.

At this time, Shen Yanxiao had slipped back quickly and appeared in front of the four animals.

The expressions of the four animals were very horrifying. Although they knew that there were a lot of strange pharmacy in pharmacy, but this thing appeared in front of them, it was a little excited.

On the auction floor, Qi Xia smiled and looked at a group of old foxes sitting underneath.

"The next eight bottles of fighting pharmacy will be divided into four batches of integrated auctions, each batch of twenty bottles, the reserve price of 100,000 gold coins." Qi Xia talks and laughs, and will say the words of Yan Yan Xiao Yu.

When the words came out, the old foxes sitting underneath could never laugh again.

Four batches of auctions? 20 bottles per batch?

Doesn't that mean that only four of these people in their seats can get vinque?

A group of big men were completely depressed.

Who can think that there will be such a hand at the auction, but they can't refute it, because people have never said that they will auction one hundred bottles of medicines in one bottle and one bottle. It must be true, I am afraid this auction. Will have to go to the evening.

This is the case, but the situation is very bad.

The ten bottles of medicines that were just taken were taken by ten families, and the remaining dozens of families did not even touch a bottle cap.

Now only four of them have the opportunity to take a vindictive pharmacy. What about the rest?

And those who have already photographed a bottle of pharmacy are also very unhappy. They are not ordinary families. They just sent a bottle. They were a little reluctant to distribute the four or five bottles, but because of their strength, I can only recognize it.

But it is absolutely impossible for them to take a bottle and go back.

The super-family, which was originally very harmonious, was immediately smothered by this sudden change.

The eyes of each other are not so friendly.

And those ordinary families are secretly relieved, but the auction house is kind, and the news was not announced at the beginning, otherwise they could not get the first ten bottles.

A few happy couples, the harmonious family and love of the super family, was pushed to the opposite by the Yan Yanxiao and the trivial plan, even if they want to continue to live in harmony, I am afraid it is impossible.

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