Super family did not dare to save money "too bad" because they must leave a certain amount of money for a hundred years of God, this is the most important auction house.

The mission is to carry a luxury auction platform. On the bright red countertop, a half-man-high beautiful staff is placed on the shelf, and the entire staff is attached with a faint glow, staff. At the top of the top, a fist-sized super-order magic core attracts everyone's attention.

Every magical nucleus used by Shenwu in the past 100 years is above tenth order. It is not ordinary high-grade magic nucleus. It is comparable to the top ten sacs, and its preciousness is self-evident.

Do not say how much the entire staff is worth, the light of the ten-order magic core above, has been worth millions.

People are very excited, this excitement makes them forget the fierceness of the past, and they are ready to fight again.

The previous auction item Qi Xia also has to pay a little bit of praise, but a hundred years of martial arts... He can make people ruined without saying anything, and it seems that there is no need to continue to advocate.

The price of a hundred years of Shenwu is 10 million. From the reserve price, it can be seen that the value of this thing can definitely scare a voter.

Even the strong shy people in the sacs are already eager to try. They dare not rob the family with the pharmacy, in order to keep all the money for a hundred years of martial arts. They can be regarded as ruining their homes and pushing their faces out. Money is the last fight.

The people in front were very excited. In addition to the slight attention paid by Yang Shi, the other small partners had no interest at all.

This thing is of little value to them. Only Qi Xia and Yan Yu can be used. Yan Yu’s need for the staff is not as high as that of the magician, and he has no big idea. As for Qi Xia, the 100-year-old Shenwu is very Strong, but he wants this little fox to buy tens of millions of billions, he will never do it.

It can be seen from this that the profiteers are not only awkward, but they are still "family-owned."

The auction of a hundred years of Shenwu is in full swing, regardless of the passion of the strong family, but the five small partners are not so careful.

In the first time, Shen Yanxiao transferred most of the money to the previously prepared Nayong. When she watched the gold coin, she would fill the 100-square-meter Naduan, and she was comfortable.

Other auction items are drawn at the auction price, and most of the money will be handed over to the clients.

Even so, the amount of money harvested from this auction is enough to raise the overall level of the day.

Shen Yanxiao is very measured, and he has reserved a part of the reward for each of the five animals. The Magic Auction House is her and the other five, so she said that she does not miss the door.

In a hundred years, Shenwu was finally taken away by a super-series from the Seven Kingdoms at a price of 130 million. The Magic Auction House was drawn to 13 million, not a small amount.

The end of the 100-year Shenwu auction means that the auction house has been successfully completed.

The people who took the picture were very satisfied, but the one who returned empty-handed was the elongated face.

But they have all realized how objective the wealth of the day is, because after the auction house, Qi Xia intends to release the wind, the senior pharmacist who prepared the vindictive, magical and quenching agents, it is the day. Not falling people.

These people know the news, and naturally they will have some plans. The relationship with the Japanese will not be broken. In the future, they will find a lot of treasures.

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