The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 838: Exploring Territory (3)

"Your heart is not small." Nine Uncle looked at Shen Yanxiao with a smile, this little guy who was stunned at the Sun Cemetery, has now become the owner of a city.

The demons called Shen Yanxiao as the lord, and Shen Yanxiao’s decision now is to move toward the lord!

"I am so timid and timid, I don't have much to estimate." Shen Yanxiao shrugged, and she felt that it was really difficult to open a new city in her hand.

The construction of the day is quite simple. Except for the malicious framed by several people, the others are very casual.

"Go to the forgotten marks, let me do it." Su He has now entered the core team of Shen Yanxiao, and can also speak in such discussions.

There is nothing to object to in Shen Yanxiao. "You bring the nine children up and let her pick up the girl's house. The group of big men in the city look at them and hurt their eyes."

A group of people were teased by the words of Yan Yanxiao.

According to common sense, the purchase of slaves is used in the construction of the city. No one will buy female slaves because they have little strength and can't afford heavy work. The price is comparable to that of male slaves, and the value created is very low.

However, Shen Yanxiao does not mind, because she never treats the people she buys as slaves. She hopes that they can live a normal life. In normal life, there is a wife and a child. Can't buy thousands of pure men, wait for them to get started?

"This thing will definitely like nine children." Su He gave a light smile, and he was grateful to Shen Yanxiao. Everything she did was in her eyes. These small details are indeed the most admirable.

She is sincere and sincere to be good to the slaves, and she should be grateful.

"I don't know which city you are going to start from?" Qi Xia lazily looked at the map that was thrown on the table.

Originally, Yan Yanxiao also had a map of ridiculous land, but there is no such detail. This one is specifically for the eastern part of the barren land. Every city above, every mine, every mountain They were all drawn very accurately, and this was all carefully recorded by Su He and his brothers when they were looking for minerals.

When Su He handed the map to Shen Yanxiao, Shen Yanxiao was also surprised. She did not expect Suhe to give her a surprise outside the task.

This is also the result of Shen Yanxiao's good heart and good news.

The thoughts of the slaves are very simple. They are grateful to Dade when they are full and warm. Shen Yanxiao now pays them money and gives them a sister. They are all dying and then they are all light, and naturally they think of the law for Shen Yanxiao. Think early.

The heart of the people is the king of the forces.

There are four cities in the nearest city. The four cities are not too big. The names have long been forgotten in the long river of history. In fact, in addition to the five main cities, other cities are also in the deserted land. There is no name, Blizzard City or Magic City, which is taken directly by the later owners.

This is the size of the city, but it is just around the northeast and southwest.

Shen Yanxiao wants to open a new city, and will surely start from the nearest four cities and gradually spread out.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the map, and the little hand pointed at the city on the city that was not in the east.

"Start here."

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