The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 840: Life is a tragedy (1)

On the other hand, when the black man went out of the day, he took the black cloak and put on the horse in a black cloak, and rushed back to the Magic City with a look of grief.

Although this embarrassing thing is at hand, but the other thing in his heart is almost bursting.

If you were not afraid of slashing the local tyrant from the Blue Dragon dynasty, why should he go so urgent?

Even so, he has already planned to let Jun Mo check to see what the guy in the Blue Dragon Dynasty is coming back after he went back. Today he was so much money, he can be willing to give up.

The black man has already passed the anger of the pit money to the local tyrant. He never thought about the trouble of finding the magic spirit auction house. Some people took out the auction and did not maliciously raise the price. There is no excuse to find trouble.

Fast horse whip back to the Magic City, the black man with a face, found Ouyang Huanyu and Jun Mo.

The air screamed and put the beads on the table, and the **** sat on the stool and looked uncomfortable.

Ouyang Huanyu and Jun Mo looked at the friendly face of the accomplices and looked at the beads.

"When things come to hand, how do you still have such a half-dead face?" Jun Mo was watching the black man.

The black man shouted: "I am being pitted!"

"How do you say?" Ouyang Huanyu seems to have some interest in raising his eyebrows slightly.

"There was more than one million of these pearls to get the hand. I didn't know where to run out of a fool. I just raised the price with me. As a result, it cost me five million." The eyes of the black man were inflamed. .


Ouyang Huanyu and Jun Mo looked at each other. The highest price they originally ordered for the pearl stone was 5 million. More than this number of black people have the right to illegally **** it. But things are so smart, the price of this pearl stone is just right. The card is on the bottom of the black man, and there is not much more than one point.

If you don’t know that only three of them are involved in the bidding competition, they really want to think that they have leaked the wind and they are deliberately killed.

"But, things can be done on hand, this kind of pearl stone is much bigger than I expected, it is not too bad." Ouyang Huanyu good temper comfort, the gold coin has no meaning for him, the point of stone The power of integration is his goal.

"Well? Where is such a good thing." The black man is not happy, he does not care about the money, cares about the attitude, the other party clearly resists him, how does he breathe in this tone? "Jun Mo, you go to help me find out what the source of the ball called Hu Bo, I have to cut him!"

Jun Mo glanced at him and knew that he was not mad at this time, and he did not refuse. He could not care about life.

"Well, I will let you find it at night." As a pharmacist, Jun Mo enjoys the treatment of VIPs in the Magic City. Even when he sees him, he is also a courtesy of three points. Nothing.

"I want to turn him into a meat sauce!" The black man shouted.

Ouyang Huanyu and Jun sighed, and they did not have the leisure to manage the anger of the black people. All their attention now focused on the beads!

"This piece of pearl stone is the most I have seen in my flat body. It has enough to make several experimental bodies improve." Ouyang Huanyu looked at the big bead stone satisfactorily, looking for a soy bean in the weekdays. It’s easy, now I’ve given him such a big piece, and I’m going to kill him.

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