The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 853: God domain to make (6)

"As long as it is not trouble to find Xiao Xiao." Donnazhi only cares about this.

The five little friends talked about each other, and Shen Yanxiao was groaning. When she talked with the five animals for a while, she hurried back to her room. She did not forget to take it this time. Suzaku called.

"Repair, do you know the tide of the beast?" Shen Yanxiao’s indefinite question, the things that the repairer knew seemed to be very long, and even the broken star palace that appeared after the war of the gods did not know, Shen Yanxiao was really I am not sure that I know that I don’t know the tide of the animal.

‘Are you saying that the demon is attacking the city? ‘There is a set of explanations for people’s own attacks on monsters.


‘Know, what do you want to ask? ’

I know it will be easier! Shen Yanxiao asked: "You said that if the beast is going to attack the city, the day will not fall to the top?"

If even the most sturdy day can't stand, she still wants to explore other cities after waiting for the beast.

‘Inevitably block. 'Repairing the road.

"If there is no protection against the law, only obsidian, can it?" Shen Yanxiao asked.

However, the answer to the repair made her a little speechless.

‘It can be blocked one by one, but it cannot be completely avoided. ’

This answer is somewhat ambiguous. After all, the use of obsidian to create the city wall, even the demons of the year have not done, who knows what the monster attack will be.

Shen Yanxiao is a little depressed, she is just ready to open up.

‘You don’t have to worry too much. If the monsters attack the city without the command of the Mozu generals, the target will be very scattered, not a city they will attack. Seeing Shen Yanxiao is a bit negative, repairing the hard-won export appeasement.

"Yes." Shen Yanxiao felt that the revision was also justified. In the past, Blizzard City was a bit too far back, and several abandoned city pools adjacent to it did not find the attack of the animal tide.

‘Don’t worry, you’ll have to pay a little attention to something that you don’t know about. ‘修道.

"what's up?"

‘Saint Jun. ’

Holy prince? Shen Yanxiao slightly frowns, how can he say that the Holy King, can't he know that the purpose of the Holy King is not falling?

"What happened to the Holy King?"

After a few moments of silence, I slowly said: 'This person I have seen before, although the breath is quite tyrannical, but it is somewhat different from today. Before in the lava valley, I can clearly feel his breath, but I only But he can't capture any power in his body. Although the face does not change, the figure is still, but I can be sure that they are not the same person. ’

"Not... the same person?" Shen Yan Xiao Yu lived, and once again met with the Holy King, she did not notice the difference in the Holy King, but she believed in the repair, she was the most convinced, he was willing to say It must be fully grasped.

Shen Yanxiao slightly frowned, if the current Saint is not the first time she saw, then who would he be?

The gods of the gods are not anyone who can pretend, and the twenty gods have the same temperament as she saw in the family of the Suzaku.

God made it impossible for them to listen to others, except for the Holy One, who ignored the orders of all.

Only loyal to the Holy One.

"Even if it is not the Holy King himself, it should be an important person in the domain of God, and regardless of him, as long as he does not come to provoke me." The news is a bit amazing, Shen Yanxiao will not stretch, the form of the domain has always been inscrutable, can be less Participation is less involved.

Mingzhe protects himself.


Eight ends

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