The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 855: God domain to make (8)

I don't know, the people of the Divine are most sensitive to the demon's perception. Although they don't see any demons in the day, the atmosphere of the demon remains in this land.


He won't say it, nor will he plan to annihilate the demon.

"Oh." Nangong Meng Meng seems to understand the non-understanding nod, but my heart is thinking about when to go to hook up the idol is more appropriate, kneeling in front of the temple, it is estimated that His Royal Highness will not be chaotic.

"It's not too late, let's go to rest," Sheng Jun said softly.

"Yes." Nangong Meng Meng is a very courageous type in the realm, but she dares not to hang around in front of the temple. She can only climb back to her house, but she does not sleep. She still wants to go with Shen Yanxiao. Friendly contact, such close contact with idols, if she has not been able to "confess" success, she can die.

With the thought of suffocating Yan Yanxiao in any case, Nangong Meng Meng entered the dream incense.

Early the next morning, Shen Yan was lazy and climbed up from the bed. Under the big eyes of the water, there were two faint blacks.

Last night, she really didn't sleep well.

The people of the gods suddenly came over and made her somewhat unprepared. They both worried about the things they found about the demon, and they were very worried about the beast after listening to the words of the saint. As a result, these two things have not been completely digested, and the repair told her this. The Holy King is likely to be someone else!

People are hard to tear down!

How did she get a headache during this time?

On these three issues, Shen Yanxiao thought about the whole night, knowing that when the sky was bright, he only slept, and he was still worried. He didn’t sleep for a long time and got up again.

Although she is not in the spirit, she also thought of a solution.

Yesterday she had told the floating squad to take the demons in the dungeon for a while, during which time the gods should not find anything unusual.

As for the problem of the Oriental City and the beast, Shen Yanxiao is the most discreet thinking.

If you are conservative, of course, it is more appropriate to wait until the end of the animal tide to build the Oriental City. Although there is no magical commander, the monster will not necessarily attack the Oriental City, but there is still a certain probability.

Unfortunately, Shen Yanxiao did not have so much time to wait.

She has already provoked the person who broke the Star Palace. When she decides that the other party will run to the sun and find her trouble, the ridiculous land is her home, she must build her own power here.

Every day she is precious, she built four cities a day earlier, and she had the strength to fight the broken star palace one day earlier.

In the end, Shen Yanxiao chose a radical method to continue to build the Oriental City. If the animal tide hits, she was really hit by her. She couldn’t take the beast army to surround the Oriental City. As long as it was not a million monsters attacking together, I believe they are still keeping it.

Anyway, the defensive power of the day has been high, and even if the beast is attacking the city, it is irrelevant. It is not difficult to concentrate all the power on the protection of other cities.

As for the last question.

The true and false of the Holy King...

This problem is not worried about Shen Yanxiao. After all, the true and false of the Holy King has nothing to do with her, but she always feels that the people of the gods will not be so simple in the coming days. The gods have no specific country of ownership, and the absurd land is not only her. A city built.

According to the time of city construction, how the other three cities are more reliable than the day that she just established, but the Saint has neglected other options and went straight to the sun.

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