The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 858: God domain to make (11)

Shen Yanxiao will not tell them naturally. This is what she told her. She has not told anyone about the existence of the repair.

"I feel that although there is no difference, I can't perceive his power. When I was in the lava valley, when the Holy King awakened Suzaku, I could still feel one or two, but now I can't feel anything. ""

The explanation of Shen Yanxiao is very acceptable to other people, and she understands why she has such doubts.

When Suzaku was awakened, Shen Yanxiao had not officially entered a turn. He could only be regarded as a junior of the magical and double-education. Even when he was at the beginning, he could feel the breath. After he rose to a senior professional, he felt that he did not feel it. When it is, this is really deliberate.

"I didn't pay attention to this before. As you said, it seems that it is true. I didn't really feel that there was a breath on him when I saw the Holy King." Qi Xia touched his chin, but he did not doubt it because of the holy Jun’s appearance and memory overlap, and the gods around him are normal.

However, once this doubt was discovered by Shen Yanxiao, he felt a little different.

It’s just that this difference is very small. Apart from Shen Yanxiao, few of them have noticed it.

"Hey, pretending to be a holy priest? This courage is too fat." Donnazhi secretly snarled, he would not doubt Shen Yanxiao and Qi Xia's inference, but he was shocked.

What is the status of the Holy King on the bright continent?

Dare to pretend to be him? Isn't this looking for death?

Even if someone dares to pretend to be the emperor of the four kingdoms, no one has the courage to provoke the gods.

"Not necessarily, if the Holy King personally instructed, there is no danger." Qi Xia blinked thoughtfully.

"The Holy Spirit is instructed?" Donaghe felt that this was even more ridiculous.

Actually someone is looking for someone to pretend to be himself. Is it too many things to do?

"Well, I see that those gods are not pretending to be impersonated. They should be from the domain of God. The Holy One in the domain of God is the highest power. All the gods are only obeying his orders. If there are instructions from the Holy King, these gods It will also cooperate with others to fake the holy prince, and with them as cover, no one will doubt the true and false nature of the sage." This civet cat is really 100% perfect for the measurement of the prince, if it is not so small The difference is that she is still in the dark.

"Just don't know, this ‘Sacred King’ ran to our day and did not fall to do anything.”

"Since it is inevitable, there is a purpose. I don't believe what he said is to see the change of the beast." Qi Xia picked up his eyebrows. The explanation of Shengjun yesterday seems reasonable, but unreasonable.

It is important to pay attention to the trend of the animal tide, but there is still more than a year from the animal tide. The Holy King does not have to go to see it in person. The gods in the gods are not vegetarian.

If the situation is serious enough that the Holy King needs to see it in person, it is absolutely impossible to send a counterfeit goods.

This is not the result of the two countries. The gods who come out of the gods will receive the most sincere reception regardless of the power of the city.

"I don't know, this 'Shengjun' does not fall to the sun. I always feel that something is wrong. It is very likely that I will observe that the beast is a fake. It is true to find out if the day is not falling." Qi Xia thinks more and more, the **** domain This team will not fall for the day, and certainly has a purpose.

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