The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 866: Uninvited guest (5)

"They have touched us, but I don't know what is going on." Shen Jiawei is already crying, he is scared, afraid of this fear of despair.

Shen Yanxiao’s face is not very good-looking, because after Shen Jiawei’s hand is extended, the repair has already said: ‘It’s the character of the undead. ’


One of the eight major races in the world, in the battle of the demon in the past, the only race in the camp of the Mozu, they were dark, and the body was filled with the breath of death.

The power of the Mozu is daunting, and the strangeness of the undead is creepy.

It has been said that the undead is an immortal creature. Unless it is evolved, even if it is broken, he can recover.

But in those days, with the defeat of the Mozu, the undead also completely withdrew from the stage of the bright continent. No one knows where they went.

Shen Jiawei is an individual, Shen Yanxiao is very sure about this.

However, there are characteristics of the undead in his body, and Shen Jiawei’s previous description of his own experience has caused Shen Yanxiao to have a very bad idea.

Could it be said that Shen Chi gave Shen Jiawei and Shen Jiayi the hands of those people?

The villagers who came out of the Sun Cemetery were also fused with the characteristics of each race, but she did not find anything about the undead in them.

The only one that may have the characteristics of the undead is the blue-and-white glass.

Shen Jiawei and Shen Jiayi are also likely to be used as experimental products.

Sinking is actually related to those people?

Shen Yan Xiao secretly bite his teeth, when the fruit really should not be so simple to solve the sinking calcination.

"How did you escape?" Shen Yanxiao stared at Shen Jiawei. After going through the solar cemetery, she did not believe that those people would let away the test items of their own hands, and even the failed products would be directly destroyed or With strict control, how can they escape from each other?

Shen Jiawei stunned.

"We are not escaping..."

"Don't escape?"

"It was destroyed there, and those black robes were dead. We all ran away." Shen Jiawei squinted his face and silently pulled down his sleeves to cover his strange wounds.

“Who did you do?” Could it be said that someone has discovered the existence of that group of people? Shen Yanxiao thinks that if this is the case, it is good news.

Shen Jiawei shook his head and said: "I don't know."

Shen Yan Xiao Yan licked the lips, Shen Jiawei said that she is not all-in-one, and not all do not believe.

At least she knew that what happened to them was probably the same as that of the nine uncles.

Shen Yanxiao’s eyes fell on Shen Jiayi, who had never been snoring. Shen Jiayi and her are not born, even now she is not willing to bow to herself.

But what about that? She didn't need them to bow down to their own lives and keep their lives, just to let Shen Feng feel at ease.

"Well, I will let people arrange for you to settle down in the sun. I will take you to see my grandfather later." Shen Yanxiao received a lot of information in her mind, and she decided to analyze it and make the next step.

Shen Jiawei’s eyes were full of surprises, and he looked at Shen Yanxiao in disbelief.

"You promised to take us away!"

Shen Yanxiao raised his eyebrows slightly and unknowingly warned: "Leave you for the grandfather. You are honestly not going to be like you, but if you dare to make a slight change, I don't mind slaughtering you. ”


During this time, the company worked overtime, the amount of updates was less, there will be eight more today, four in the early morning, and four in the afternoon.

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