The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 872: Lazy to be beaten (2)

"You will train?" Shen Yanxiao can't cover the inner excitement.

'meeting. ’

"Seeking practice!!" Shen Yanxiao did not feel that his current appearance is different from that of Qi Xia and others holding his grandfather's thigh.

'can. ‘There is an abnormal speech.

However, when Shen Yanxiao wanted to cheer, the next sentence of repair, she shot directly on the wall.

‘When you are promoted to two turns, I will help you train. ’

"Two turns?" Shen Yan Xiao Biaoba eyes, looks like the fifth layer of seals unraveling, she already has signs of advancing toward the big professional, but this time there is less cultivation, so the progress is slow.

Only after becoming a big professional can we make two turns, and the conditions for the second turn are very demanding.

How many geniuses are there in the bright continent, and they have stopped at the big careers under the second turn.

The second turn is the watershed of the real strong, and only after becoming a second turn can a new field be reached.

Shen Yanxiao is not sure how long it will take to reach the second turn, but the bait thrown out is very attractive!

She needs strength, but she knows that it is impossible to stand on the peak by the power of one person and the power of several people, so she must train her own army, so that even if she and the Longxuan Empire or the Lancang Dynasty change in the future, So tearing her face, she was able to resist the attack of the army.

"But that should take a long time?" It is estimated that the establishment of the Oriental City, she did not have the opportunity to turn.

‘If you don’t try it, how can you know? ’

"Yes." Shen Yanxiao grabbed his head and felt that although the words of repair were tougher, they were all thinking about her.

"Then I will practice well first." Shen Yan Xiao took a look at the baby, but his heart was happy, although he did not know what the origins were, but it was so close to the omnipotent thigh, not holding the white.

‘Not here. ‘There is a sudden change.

"Ah?" Shen Yan Xiao Biaoba eyes, not here, where can they go?

‘The ridiculous land is where the place gives you strength. Only in the face of adversity can you inspire more potential, and it’s too easy for you to fall. ‘Repair is not intended to let Shen Yanxiao continue to stay in the day without falling, not falling in the day, even if Shen Yanxiao wants to cultivate with peace of mind, I am afraid it is not so easy.

The construction of the Oriental City needs to report to her. The location of the mineral deposits should also be told to her. In the next period of time, at the auction, she signed a contract with Shen Yanxiao, and the merchants who are preparing to trade with the day will also follow. Arrived, and the unidentified saint...

A lot of things revolve around Shen Yanxiao, and her cultivation must be disturbed.

This is not the result of repairs.

"Do you encourage me to be the treasurer?" Shen Yanxiao raised her eyebrows. To tell the truth, she also wanted to see it everywhere in the ridiculous land. Unfortunately, the burden on her body has never been easier.

‘What is it? Du Lang, Jiu Shu, Qi Xia and others have been able to stand on their own, even if you don't appear for a while, there are them, and there will be no situation in the two cities. ‘Resilience to the child.

"That's it! I will tell them tomorrow, and then call Suzaku." As Shen Yanxiao, who had just been scorned by a certain grandfather, she was very convinced of the current proposal.

She has no doubt at all that if she tries to resist, the repair will directly condense her body and keep her out of the sun.

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