The so-called unscrupulous is Shen Yanxiao.

When she is needed, she will be full of enthusiasm, and when she has nothing to do, she will start to be lazy.

It’s not necessary for her to sit in the middle of the day, so she’s taken for granted!

Of course, she will never admit that she has sneaked out without hesitation, because of the reasons for repair!

Easy to accommodate, wearing a cloak, holding a map of the ridiculous land, Shen Yanxiao stood outside the distance of the day, looking at the absurd scene around.

From the day did not fall out, overnight, she passed no less than six or seven cities, occasionally met one or two demons, all after seeing her decisively left, it looks like a demon who is a cannibal.

Where can the demon see the person, do not pounce on the two, but turn around and leave?

This group of demons still have no dignity!

In a sense, the demon in the eastern part of the ridiculous land will no longer actively attack humans entering the ridiculous land under the threat of the sun. They are not courageous to challenge a hundred monsters. Human city owner.

Therefore, they are very conscious of the choice of time to ignore the emergence of human beings.

It is inevitable to be tempted by the breath of human beings, and they are very directly making the behavior of seeing people.

Anyway, the demon of the ridiculous land has not been able to eat a bit of human flesh for hundreds of years. They are still very strong and are not hungry for the time being.

And I heard that there are dark elements that make the demon drooling. If it is fortunate enough to enter the day, it is the real delicious. They can’t make the ruthless people who are angering the sun. They are still waiting. Immigration in the past, can you not perform well?

Because the demon in the eastern region is really clever and heartbreaking, Shen Yanxiao wants to experience it through the hands of the demon, and it is impossible to achieve it here.

"Is it too good to be a teacher?" Shen Yanxiao was holding the forehead depressed after seeing the fifteenth demon going away from his own hundred meters.

Xiu once said that the best way to improve his strength in a short period of time is to carry out actual combat. Only in the real battle can she inspire more potential.

Now in the ridiculous land, only the high-level demon can suppress her in strength.

Shen Yanxiao’s plan to leave the day is to practice magic and vindictiveness in a ridiculous place, and to find a few high-level demons to fight and improve themselves.

However, in the eastern region, even the lower demons are unlikely to attack humans, let alone the higher demons whose IQs are comparable to humans.

It is still difficult to cultivate in his own territory. Shen Yanxiao had to move his thoughts to several other areas.

The city of Qigong is located in the western part of the barren land, farthest from the eastern region, and it is not necessary to consider it.

Before Shen Yanxiao, it was very unpleasant with the Magic City in the southern region. The only suitable place to go is the northern region, the jurisdiction of the Shenfeng Alliance.

The Kamikaze Alliance is the first country to gain a foothold in the ridiculous land. Blizzard City has also been operating for a hundred years and has been flourishing.

Although the forces of the three parties used to have their actions to suppress the construction of the sun, the movements of the Seven Kingdoms and the Kamikaze Alliance were not big, just the meaning of the move.

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