The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 882: Delicate night (6)

Strong arms, wrapped around her chest...

Chest... before...


Not long after her 14th birthday, somewhere has begun to develop, although it is only a slight... small...

But she is no longer a poor, a little luoli of Pingchuan...

The repaired arm is just about to be pressed at the developing part.

A bang.

Shen Yanxiao from blush to toe!

She is being insulted!

Seems to be the same as Shen Yanxiao, suspended in the air and repaired a slight frown, the slender body leaned forward slightly, his head leaned over, looking at the face of Shen Yan Xiao Tonghong.

Naturally, he also noticed the sight of Shen Yanxiao.

Look down on Shen Yanxiao’s line of sight...

After a moment...

After a moment of repairing, the body was dissipated and turned into a black mist, disappearing without a trace.

Shen Yanxiao, who was still immersed in shame and grief, immediately lost support. The petite body fell directly down. Fortunately, she responded quickly enough, and the calf hooked up and hung upside down on the tree shrew.

The head is facing down, and Shen Yanxiao is swaying in the air, and there is still some confusion in his mind.

This is how it is!

A grandfather suddenly gave her a play to disappear, and she would fall to death if she was not careful!

On one side, he was sorrowful and angry when he was insulted. He was indignant when he was half-wayd, and Shen Yanxiao hung up on the tree shrew for a while. This took a sensitive leap and landed on the ground.

Shen Yanxiao decided to talk to a great man!


Why is it that she has already helped her, and she has thrown her out halfway, so that the ferocious move is completely out of logic!

Are you trying to save me or want to fall?

Shen Yanxiao did not realize that the focus of his care had been tens of thousands of miles away from the dislocated wild horse.

The two arguments of "being insulted" and "falling to death" are obviously more concerned about the latter one. Obviously, someone has not completely accepted the fact that he is no longer a "lilulu".

Although there was such a small amount of shame at first, this small amount of shame was immediately thrown into the clouds by her arrogant son!

"Repair?" Shen Yanxiao called.

no response.

"Repair?" Try again!

Still no response!


Dead silence...

"Repair, are we still going to continue tonight?" Shen Yanxiao was speechless, and this suddenly became proud of how it was a rhythm?

After a long silence, the sound of the repairs slowly sounded.

'It ends here. ’

After saying these four words, there was no response.

Regardless of how Shen Yanxiao flicked his mouth, repairing was like falling asleep, no response.

Shen Yan Xiao is depressed, and finally found a knock on the door, repair is said to be over?

Naihe, a grandfather did not cooperate, she could not pull him out of the heart of the lake to continue, can only carry a depressed heart, ran to all corners, and put away the arrows that they put out one by one.

After finishing the collection, Shen Yanxiao walked back to the cave and took some dry food.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, Shen Yanxiao had a sip of dry food and looked at a row of condensed crystals placed in front of her.

In other words, the repair seems to be an entity that cannot be condensed for too long, so it is said that the sudden disappearance just because the power is exhausted?

Well, repairing this kind of personally is also because she can be strong as soon as possible, and she can't be too blind.

Shen Yanxiao began to practice and held the black crystal to continue practicing.

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