The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 890: "Hero" saves the United States (5)

Now Blizzard City in the northern region was built by the son of the head of the Blizzard Mercenary, and now the Blizzard City Lord has inherited the Blizzard Mercenary Corps and has two positions.

It is conceivable that the identity of his daughter is so prominent.

In addition, there is also a young master of the Iron and Blood Mercenary Corps. The weight of these two people standing together is comparable to the weight of Long Yue in the Longxuan Empire.

Imagine if the emperor of the Longxuan Empire knew that his son had been kidnapped by the demon, what a terrible thing would be.

Don't say two thousand slaves, even if all the slaves of the Forgotten Mark are bought for the demon, he is not expected to hesitate.

"Hey, good demon." Shen Yanxiao had to admire the cleverness of the two demons. Before the mercenary group had not yet appeared in Blizzard, they were afraid that they had already had an idea. Their purpose was from one. It was fixed on the two people at the beginning.

As long as they can hold these two people in their hands, they are not afraid that the Alliance will not bow.

However, more slaves are also easy to get.

cunning! Too!

Look at the two high-level demons below, and think about the group in your own city, there is really no comparable!

The same is the high-level demon, for the high-level demon on the Mao people's home plate can come up with such a high IQ of crime, but the day is not falling...

I think that the two brothers of the Indigo and the Crane are tired of playing together all day, thinking that the enchantress is okay to go to the Duo to relieve the boring, and think of Zhongling from time to time to help the human beings to work for the niche of the money, and think of the prisoners throughout the day. Extraterrestrial...

Shen Yanxiao feels tired.

Why can't her family's demon be as treacherous as the northern demons, although she does not expect them to abduct the emperor of the Longxuan Empire... well, she has done this.

But it’s not going to talk about the downcastness of a sentence.

Finally, she wants to go out in person!

Look at the two high monsters, hey! Black belly! Shameless!

Hey, this is the true color of the high demon! In addition to the fact that she is a little rumored to be a high-level demon in her side, the other demon... is simply a group of two goods that will only sell and sell rot!

The only floating squad with a black belly tends to be assimilated by a group of high-level demons after entering the day!

Shen Yanxiao looked at the two "despicable and shameless" high-level demons below, and there was an excitement in his eyes.

This kind of demon! It’s a shame not to turn back to the day!

Shen Yanxiao, who is responsible for the captive demon, has been completely distorted by three views. She is excited to see the human beings who are too excited to see a demon.

Ever since, Shen Yanxiao’s mind has emerged like this...

They were first beaten to vomiting blood, and then they were taken care of by the people to go to the sun.

still is……

Take them to the ground to find your teeth, and then drag them back to the sun?

Shen Yanxiao did not realize that her two ideas are essentially the same!

Shen Yan Xiao Xin has decided, these two demons... she has to be fixed!

Below the boulder, two high-level demons who are smug and smug for their own sinister deceit, simply do not know, their "heroic performance" has provoked a demon in their demon world!

What they are thinking about now is how to get Long Xueyao and Gu Feng to get their hands.

What Shen Yanxiao thinks is how to get them both...

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