The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 893: "Hero" saves the United States (8)

Long Xueyao looked up at the chin and looked at the two demons. He did not humble and said: "I will not be your hostage. I know that I am not your opponent, but in the end you can only get my body!" She does not Will allow these demons to use her to threaten her father.

The blood of the mercenary does not allow her to make such awkward and stealing things!

"Good." The demon was irritated by Long Xueyao.

"You want to die? We won't let you do it. If you want to resist, then I will eat your hands and feet and tie you up. Anyway, as long as it is alive, it will be useful to your father." The opening.

Gu Feng anxiously looked at Long Xueyao.

"Yao Yao! Are you stupid? really don't want to live? How can you resist!"

Long Xueyao will push away from the valley wind, and she does not want to admit that such a person is like the world of mercenaries like her.

The two demons looked at each other and immediately rushed toward Long Xueyao. In their view, a small human being was not their opponent.

However, just as they rushed past, the two demons only felt that a black shadow had flashed in front of them, and when they rushed over, Long Xueyao had disappeared.

"It's not appropriate to be so murderous. It's a little demeanor to a beautiful girl who looks like a beautiful girl." There are still some green voices ringing at the top of the two demons.

They looked up and looked at them, only to see the half-waist in the boulder, a thin young boy was holding Long Xueyao, and smiled on a raised stone step.

"Human." The two demons blinked and they smelled the human breath from the boy.

However, this breath is very strange, they just did not smell.

When did she get out? How did they save Long Xueyao under their eyes?

Long Xueyao, who was rescued, just returned, and she looked at the little boy who was holding her face with a smile.

She was already ready to die, but she did not expect that in the next second, she fell into the arms of others, far from danger.

Looking at the teenager holding her own, a small face with a ugly face is hungry and smiling, and the curved eyebrows make people feel very beautiful.

"Who are you?" Long Xueyao was a little surprised. She had never seen this boy. Why did she save her?

Someone who suddenly appeared in the rescue field was Shen Yanxiao after Yi Rong. She wanted to wait for them to play more glue and then shot, but unexpectedly heard Long Xueyao's words.

This girl is very strong, and she is not willing to bow down in the face of a monster who is much higher than her own strength.

I prefer to burn jade, and I don't want to be a chip that threatens my father.

Such a filial, characterful sister, Shen Yanxiao decided to save her once.

Shen Yan Xiao Xiao's bowed his head, naughty Chong Long Xue Yao said, "My name is Shen Yu." After that, she put Long Xueyao on the stone steps.

"Sinking..." Long Xueyao hesitated to repeat it.

Shen Yanxiao did not have the heart to accompany her to discuss the issue of identity. She stepped forward and walked to the front of the stone steps, squatting down and waved at the two stunned demons below.

"One of your goals is now with me. If you want to continue your plan, just play with me first."

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