The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 900: "Hero" saves the United States (15)

"Don't fall?" The short demon began to wonder, what is the identity of the boy in front of him?

"What the **** are you?"

"The city owner of the city that does not fall, Shen Yanxiao." Shen Yan Xiao slightly twitched his lips, and added a sentence in a low voice.

"But my demons like to call me the demon lord."

"Demon...the lord..." The short demon idiots always felt that the word and the human being could not be hooked.

Moreover, she said... her house demon...we?

What is this concept?

"Your companion has been injured by me. You have discussed this matter yourself. You lost today, and you want to let the talents be good." Shen Yanxiao is like a teacher in a kindergarten, smiling and kindly persuading the dwarf demon. But the five fingers that buckled on the top of the dwarf demon were slightly weak.

The severe pain at the top of the head made the short demon stunned. He didn't doubt at all. If he dared to come, the boy would not kill him.

Looking up at the harmless smile of Shen Yanxiao's livestock, the short demon thinks that she is the real demon.

"I understand, I will let them leave immediately, will go ... the day does not fall." The short demon side is succumbing to the strength of Shen Yanxiao, on the other hand because of the dark elements.

This plan has failed. It is almost impossible for them to find food again in a short time. Once the mercenaries return to the city, it is difficult to ensure that the Blizzard Mercenary and the Iron and Blood Mercenary will not send people to retaliate against them.

The number of their demons is not too much. This time the plan is only to win the game. If they are confronted with the two major mercenary groups, they are not enough to see.

"Very good." Shen Yanxiao loosened his hand and stood up. She was not afraid of the devil's remorse. The reason why she wanted to keep this group of people was to break the retreat of the two higher demons in the northern region. The young master of the big mercenary group, this group of demons can withstand such great revenge.

In addition, she has revealed the dark elements, I believe that with the brains of these two demons, you should know how to choose.

Shen Yanxiao greatly solved the hardening of the short demon, and then turned and left.

The short demon moved the stiff hands and feet and climbed up from the ground, watching Shen Yanxiao's unprepared back, slightly frowning.

"Damn, let me find out..." The tall demon finally found this side. The wound on his shoulder still had purple blood. When he saw the back of Shen Yanxiao, he immediately rushed over.

But the short demon took his arm at this time.

"What are you doing?" The tall demon looked puzzled at his companions.

"We are not her opponent. If she wants to kill us, she has already started." The short demon rushed high and the demon shook his head.

If they are on the strength of the single-on-one, they may be able to compete with the youngsters, but the teenager never confronts them. They are good at using their perceived loopholes to hide in such a chaotic battlefield and continue to fight. They only Can continue to suffer losses.

In the face of absolute strength, all tricks have become jokes.

However, in the case of considerable strength, good strategies can turn things around.

The tall demon still wants to say something, but the short demon has given him a wink and whispered something in his ear.

The expression of the tall demon turned from anger to surprise, and then there was a hint of surprise.

"What are you talking about?"

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