The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 902: "Hero" saves the United States (17)

Until the mercenary under his command told him that the boy in front of him suddenly appeared and defeated two high-level demons, which made them survive.

Fang Qiu is not a fool. He can defeat two high-level demons by one person. It must not be a simple character. Although he was surprised when she first saw Shen Yanxiao, she was surprised at her age, but she turned to the professional. With the age of changing his own appearance, this is just a high-profile person who does not like high-profile.

Fang Qiu naturally wants to come to thank him.

Shen Yanxiao said freely: "You are welcome."

After turning around, I have to go.

However, Fang Qiu once again exported and retained.

"Little brother, please stay."

"What else?" Shen Yanxiao's eyes were impatient.

"This..." Fang Qiu was in a difficult situation. Their team had two battles with the demon. The remaining number was only about 100, and they were all injured.

The task of finding a sucking grass has not been completed. Even if they want to go back to the city, they are in the current situation of their team. I am afraid that it is really dangerous. After all, this ridiculous place is full of demon, they are a pair of wounded soldiers. It is likely to be the target of the demon attack.

"There is a ruthless invitation underneath. I hope that the little brothers can **** us back to Blizzard City. Of course, as long as you agree, you will be thankful after returning to Chengdu." Fang Qiu can only turn to Shen Yanxiao in front of him.

With her single defeat of two high-level demons, but unscathed record, Fang Qiu believes that as long as she is with her peers, the demon on this road is not so difficult to cope.

Shen Yanxiao looked at Fang Qiu without talking, and she was thinking about something in her head.

It is important to revise her that she is now looking for the demon to fight, but the speed at which she looks for the demon is really terrible. If it is followed by the disabled mercenaries...

The **** smell is the easiest to attract the demon. This team of mercenaries is almost completely injured. There are still several days to reach Blizzard City from here. They are afraid that they will attract a lot of demons.

Follow them, does it mean that there is a bait that automatically attracts the demon to hook?

Shen Yanxiao touched his chin, and compared with his own high-level demon to find a high-level demon, it is better to go with this group of people, not only can the high demon can play, but also to Blizzard City can also fish.

After a long period of time, Shen Yanxiao felt that he had promised Fang Qiu’s words, and there was no harm in the benefits.

"Yes." Shen Yanxiao very simply agreed.

Fang Qiu was relieved and hurriedly thanked Shen Yanxiao. Later, people dealt with each other's wounds, and then transferred their positions and returned to Blizzard as soon as possible.

Sinking and idle, sitting on the side and continuing to practice.

Long Xueyao stood by and looked at Shen Yanxiao in the cultivation, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Even this time has been used to cultivate, and sure enough, this is the hard work of the strong.

Therefore, my heart’s affection for Shen Yanxiao has increased by a few points.


"Yao Yao, you are fine, just today, it is too dangerous. You don't know, when the demons are going to shoot you, I almost have done a good job for you with them!" The crisis faded, Gu Fengyang From the screaming smile, looking at Long Xueyao sincerely.

Long Xueyao’s disgusted frown, Gu Feng’s ugliness, not only for the two demons, but when she was attacked by the demon, he stood on the side and did not dare to say a word.

Desperate for her?

Really lose the export he said!


Eight ends

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