Fang Qiu’s father, who is suffering from Gu Feng, can only endure.

The pedestrians stopped and stopped because there were too many wounded soldiers and the speed of returning to the city was relatively slow.

On this road, their team, as Fang Qiu expected, attracted several waves of demons.

In the past few times, they were only some low-level demons. Although they were able to withstand one or two injuries, they went closer to the center of the north, and the number of medium demons became more and more. Fang Qiu and others were also tired.

Later, even the high monsters appeared...

The first time when the high demon appeared, Fang Qiu had not had time to ask for Shen Yanxiao to start, and he saw this taciturn teenager, who had whistled to take out the longbow in the Naduan and rushed to the high demon.

These demons are attracted by the blood. There is no plan, and there is not much cooperation. The high monsters that appear are mostly single, followed by some middle demons and low demons.

Shen Yanxiao has to deal with it, it is not too easy.

Several attacks were resolved by Shen Yanxiao's initiative, and there was no unfavorable battle, which made Fang Qiu feel grateful for his original choice and left this protector.

Shen Yanxiao has a lot of words in the team. When she is on the road, she always walks at the end of the team. When she is resting, she often meditates on the sidelines. Even eating is self-sufficient. There are many other people in different teams. contact.

Only Long Xueyao occasionally went to send some water, and the two had no other conversations.

It can be said that if it was not for the high-level demon, Shen Yanxiao’s performance was too dazzling, and the mercenaries in the team almost forgot that there was such a great **** in their ranks.

Shen Yanxiao's several times to resolve the crisis, coupled with the low-key performance on weekdays, has formed an incomparably tall image in the hearts of many mercenaries.

This is the real powerhouse, this is the master!

Among the mercenaries, many people have already used Shen Yanxiao as their idol. Many archers, after seeing Yan Yan’s archery, began to imitate one or two, and they have secretly made Shen Yanxiao himself. The goal of learning.

Shen Yan’s sullen head hit the demon, not showing off, and not being able to sing, plus her too much words on weekdays, creating a mysterious and powerful image for her.

Even Fang Qiu secretly admired Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao himself did not know, she was full of happiness and a high-level demon sent to the door to give herself a practice. If she saw a pleasing eye, after she smashed the other side, she also extended the olive branch and dug it into the day. drop. If you encounter a brain that doesn't open up, and has no special features, Shen Yanxiao is ruthlessly killed directly, and the nucleus is dug inlaid on the purple prince.

In general, on this road, Shen Yanxiao's harvest is the biggest, not only after each finish, but also to comprehensively guide and correct her battle, and she even took several high-level demons as younger brothers. Now they have let them not go away.

Some people practice their hands, and there are younger brothers who can be jealous.

This day is really moist!

Along the way, I experienced several battles, big and small, which brought great benefits to Shen Yanxiao. With the guidance of her repairs, her actual combat ability soared at a rocket-like speed, although she is still a big professional. The level, but even if she meets the second-best player like Ying Yingzhe, she has a chance to grasp it!

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