The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 908: Snowfall Castle (2)

Gu Feng disdainfully looked at Shen Yan Xiao, now that he has arrived in Blizzard City, he has nothing to fear.

"How? Have you ever seen such a domineering city? Buns!"

Shen Yanxiao took back the line of sight and ignored the ridicule of Gu Feng. He only said to Long Xueyao: "Nothing." She can't always be in the face of other people, saying that she is playing the idea of ​​their thunder and artillery!

"Cut." The valley wind snorted and turned into Blizzard City.

Long Xueyao sighed helplessly, she did not want to compare with the wind, after all, Gu Feng's father and her father had a life-long relationship, but seeing Yan Yan Xiao was repeatedly ridiculed by Gu Feng, she was also very angry.

Fortunately, Shen Yanxiao did not react much.

Shen Yanxiao’s “greatness” made Long Xueyao think that her character is good enough to burst.

"Let's go in." Long Xueyao smiled with Xiao Yan.

Shen Yanxiao nodded and followed her into Blizzard City.

There were ten guards in front of Blizzard City, and six more people than the guards who did not fall. The ten people saw Gu Feng and Long Xueyao and immediately greeted them.

"Less Lord, Master Gu, you are back." Ten guards respectfully respected.

Back to the home of her home, Long Xueyao’s nervous nerves finally relaxed. She smiled and said: “When I come back, where is my father, I have something to say to him.”

"The beginning of the lord, the lord of the city is talking about the matter with the head of the city."

Long Xueyao nodded after listening.

"Fang Shu, you let the brothers go to rest first, you go to see my father with me." Fang Qiu's mercenary is not a member of the five major mercenary groups, but a mercenary group in Blizzard City, just a relationship with her father. Yes, this time I was so tired that Fang Qiu went out to find a sucking grass.

"Good." Fang Qiu responded, and immediately let the mercenaries under his hand go to the place to treat the injury.

"Sink, you are coming with me." Long Xueyao looked at Shen Yanxiao, and the voice was obviously softer.

It is a pity that Shen Yanxiao was completely unaware of the subtle changes of a certain girl, but she was honestly screaming, thinking about the design of the thunderbolt in Blizzard City.

Gu Feng is no one to take care of, but he is in the city government, even if Long Xueyao does not call him, he has to go.

The four people came to the city's main government. Compared with the city government of Shen Yanxiao, Longfei's city government was even harder.

Under the leadership of the guards, Shen Yan Xiao Tong Long Xueyao and others entered the city government.

In the hall of the city's main government, two middle-aged men are sitting in chairs and talking about something. When they saw the four people of Long Xueyao, one of the middle-aged men sitting in the right position sounded loudly. Road: "Yao Yao? Are you back?"

"Father, the child is not filial, and failed to complete the mission." Long Xueyao entered the hall, and said nothing, he picked up the skirt and directly squatted in front of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man gave a slight glimpse, and some pale faces with a hint of surprise, and rushed forward to help Long Xueyao who was kneeling on the ground.

"What is this, get up soon."

Shen Yanxiao stood on the side and observed quietly. The middle-aged man who spoke to Long Xueyao had a handsome face. The facial features and Long Xueyao were similar, but the handsome face had a trace of abnormal paleness and lips. The film is bloodless, but the eyes are very spirited.

I want to come to this is the father of Long Xueyao, the owner of Blizzard City and the Blizzard Mercenary Group - Longfei.

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