The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 910: Snowfall Castle (4)

Longfei and Gu Yu are the heads of the top mercenary groups. They have already broken through the realm of the second turn. With their eyesight, it is natural to see that Shen Yanxiao’s age should be only a teenager, not like a party. Qiu’s previous speculation was a hidden master who changed his appearance.

Naturally, they can also see that the strength of this young man should not have reached the level of two turns, but Gu Yu was surprised. A teenager who did not reach the level of two turns could actually fight two high-level demons, and did not fall. In the downside, it will be repelled, which is somewhat unbelievable.

In his view, the strength of Shen Yanxiao, even if it did not reach the second turn, has already entered the level of a large professional.

A 14-year-old big professional...

This is really terrible!

For the millennium of the bright continent, there have been no such enchantings!

"How can you sink the little brother alone at the northern border? It can be dangerous." Gu Yu’s pretentious smile.

Shen Yan Xiao coldly screamed, and sure enough, the father and son of the valley are all the way to the goods, and then the good-looking skin under the skin is also loaded with a heart.

Gu Yu’s problem seems to be worrying about her, but actually she is wondering if she and the group of demons are a group.

"I just came out to practice, seeing that there are not many demons in the mountains, but also very clean, just settled there." Shen Yanxiao did not answer.

"That's really clever." Gu Yu smiled.

The old mixed ball, Shen Yanxiao snorted.

In the darkness of the goods, she suspected that she and the two demons colluded. When she was planning with the two demons, they came out to cause a crisis, and then they saved themselves and gave them kindness.

Shen Yanxiao is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and does not explain much.

She is not a member of the Kamikaze Alliance, and she will not be able to discipline him.

What kind of smart person Long Fei is, naturally knows the hints of Gu Yu, but his feelings are different from Gu Yu.

This young boy, although his origin is unknown, but his eyes are clear and there is no evil. He should not be the person who will make such despicable things. If he is so young, he can cultivate these cultivations. The amazing talents need not be said, I want to come. Her efforts in cultivation are also a hundred times more common.

This person who specializes in cultivation will not bother with other things.

"This is thanks to the sinking little brother, otherwise my daughter may not know what to do." Longfei four and two dials, for Yan Yanxiao.

Gu Yu chuckled.

"Yaoyao prostitute is fine. Naturally, Yaoyao is the only daughter of Longfei brother. Everyone knows that you will regard Yaoyao as the pearl of your hand. Longfei brothers should pay more attention to the safety of prostitutes in the future. What kind of brains do people have to do."

"This is natural," Longfei smiled and did not answer.

Shen Yanxiao but understands that Longfei is a daughter of Long Xueyao. Longfei knows how many idiots know about Long Xueyao. I am pleased to know that Long Xueyao is pleased with Longfei. This is a **** who is her. Pushing into the heap of people who are not in the right hands!

The son is an idiot, Laozi is also a bastard, and Shen Yanxiao really does not want to deal with such abnormal people.

"If the Dragon City Lord is okay, I will pay for the remuneration promised by Mr. Fang Qiu, and I will continue to practice. I will not stay in Blizzard City for a long time." When I was a little boy, I was a sneak peek in Blizzard City? Xiaoye’s day will not be minutes and minutes, you will be three thousand miles!


End of Chapter 8

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