The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 920: Ubiquitous military power (2)

Although Blizzard City does not have such a big day, but the manager has been operating for a hundred years, the internal facilities have been perfected. On both sides of the streets, the most popular are the shops selling mercenary supplies, from large weapons stores. To the small auxiliary pharmacy shop, Blizzard's things are basically out of the mercenary.

Blizzard City is equivalent to a transit station in the ridiculous land of the Shenfeng Alliance. Before the Blizzard City was developed, the mercenaries of the Kamikaze Alliance could only perform certain tasks in the northern border area, but after the establishment of Blizzard City, God The scope of the various mercenary groups of the Wind Alliance covers almost the entire northern part of the barren land.

From the demon to all kinds of precious herbs, it is the goal of the mercenaries.

The northern part of the ridiculous land has a relatively low temperature. Unlike the high temperature eastern region, it is rich in various herbs and is suitable for growing in the cold zone. It can be found almost everywhere.

The other three countries also have cooperation with Blizzard City in order to obtain precious herbs in the northern region.

Whether it is a pharmacist or an ordinary doctor, the most indispensable is the medicine.

There is a saying that it is difficult for a clever woman to be without rice.

Even if you are a master-level pharmacist, there is no suitable medicine, you can only blink.

The Shenfeng Alliance is not greeted by this treasure. The Lancang Dynasty and the Seven Kingdoms, which entered the ridiculous land in the late period, did not pay much attention to the northern medicinal materials. Unfortunately, the owner of Blizzard City is one of the five major leaders of the Shenfeng Alliance. The number of mercenaries under his command is nearly one million. The mercenaries sent to the ridiculous land have now reached as many as 70,000. These mercenaries have been used to defend the two cities in the northern region.

In the streets and lanes, you can often see patrolling mercenaries. They hold sharp blades and line up. The intensity of inspections makes Shen Yanxiao secretly scream.

On the wall of Blizzard City, there are 10,000 mercenaries in batches, each team of one thousand, divided into ten teams, two batches for two hours to ensure that the mercenaries guarding the wall have the highest altitude. Concentration.

It must be said that Blizzard City, which has experienced a beast tide, has reached the limit of a city on the guard.

Even the Emperor of the Longxuan Empire is not as defensive.

Shen Yanxiao and Long Xueyao are on the road. From time to time, they can meet a team of mercenaries who are patrolling. The mercenaries are simply squadrons with the Longxue Yao ceremony and continue their patrols.

It is no wonder that the people in the Shenfeng Alliance are close to the whole people. Even Shen Yanxiao has to admire everything that Longfei has arranged for Blizzard City.

This kind of city can integrate a large number of military forces anytime and anywhere, even if it is a surprise attack, it can gather the left and right forces to counterattack in the shortest time.

Shen Yanxiao can't help but think deeply. The current situation looks good, but the defense is not as strong as Blizzard City. In addition to the indestructible walls, the guards in the city are almost vacant.

The only man who has combat power under her hand is afraid that the cave wolf mercenary group is less than one hundred people, and the rest is only a slut.

Now it seems that the resources she has in her hands are rich, but it is still very difficult to really use them.

"Miss Long, the defense in Blizzard City has been so intensive?" Shen Yanxiao could not help but ask Long Xueyao.

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