It’s not too slow to fix:

"Eudemons and Warcraft, have their ranks, Warcraft is divided into low, medium, high, beast, holy beast and legendary Warcraft, the Eudemons is the same, but the powerful Eudemons above the high Eudemons are called It is an elite Eudemon, and then it is the Lord of the Elves, the highest is the demon lord. The wing of death is the strongest of the dragons, that is, the demon lord."

"So the lava lord is equal to the sacred animal level of Warcraft?" Shen Yanxiao heard that Yunxiao said a lava lord.

"Almost, but Warcraft and Eudemons are weaker than some, if the Eudemons also exist in this world, then the status of Warcraft is only precarious." Repairing the chin, watching the mini dragon holding his fingers spoiled, the bottom of the eye There is no trace of it.

"Warcraft is more than the Eudemons... weak?" Shen Yanxiao was speechless.

"Warcraft is a radiant continent that grows in human beings. It will naturally be weaker. Even the monsters are more powerful than Warcraft. However, Warcraft can cooperate with humans. The degree of cooperation is higher than the other two. Although the monster is powerful, but the strength is strong, but There is almost no IQ, it is a simple type of limbs, and it is very good to break down as long as they find their weaknesses. The Eudemons is the king of the Orcs, but the Eudemons can exist in this world for a short time, relying entirely on the summoner. Personal ability, continuous combat is almost inapplicable, comprehensively, the value of Warcraft is the most real." Simple analysis of the three orcs.

Each has its own advantages and each has its own shortcomings.

Although the strength of Warcraft is weaker than the other two sides, but the victory has a contract with humans, can perfectly cooperate with human attacks, and there is no time limit, and loyalty is also very high.

The Wicked Beast has no IQ, and can only be used as a pioneer. Those who are familiar with the Wicked Beast may be suffering a big loss.

The Eudemons are very strong and smart, but after all, they are not creatures of this world. The time of existence in the world is very short and can only be used in the final battle.

"The Eudemons are the most harmful to the Mozu. When they are in the Battle of the Demon, they often see it, but it is estimated that it is hard to see anything now." It seems to recall the previous things. Indifferent, but did not shoot directly.

"Is the Eudemon really strong?" Shen Yan sighed with a face and looked at the mini dragon in front of him.

"What level is it?" She doesn't pray for any elite level, the illusionist at the lord level, so don't be too shameful.

I took a look at Shen Yanxiao and slowly said that Shen Yanxiao vomited blood.

"A newborn baby is not a junior."

So what she summoned is just a mascot?

Shen Yanxiao’s mouth has been taken out. She has made the worst plan. Even if this mini dragon is a low-level Eudemon, she will endure it.


It is actually a newborn that is not even a low-level!

Think about the birth of a small Phoenix, the strength of the eighth-order Warcraft, and then look at this mini dragon...

Shen Yanxiao had to say that this was really a big failure in her brilliant life! !

Is this cargo really not thrown out of her by the Eudemons?

“Hey?” The mini dragon simply did not notice how terrible the blow to his own appearance was, and he was still able to sell it by his side.

Shen Yanxiao has been hit by the body, she squinted and smashed your dragon from the table.

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