The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 947: The speed of cultivation against the sky (1)

Throughout the afternoon, Shen Yanxiao learned about the whole day of the month.

There are more than 300 merchants entering the market, and there are nearly 1,000 stores in the city. Qixia has replaced the Yanshixiao and many merchants to sign a cooperation project with ore. Gold coins are like water, and there are so many.

The construction of the Oriental City has officially begun, and the city wall has been completed. Most of the instructions before the search for Shen Yanxiao are still made of obsidian.

The team of the gods left the day after the death of Shen Yanxiao, but they left the Nangong Mengmeng, and the pseudo-Shengjun has allowed Nangong to sprout and worship Shen Yanxiao as a teacher.

The demon trade union officially opened half a month ago. During this period, Du Lang not only had to deal with the cave wolf mercenary group, but he also had to teach the rules of the high-level demon about the mercenary industry.

The land where Jiu Shu is responsible for the reclamation has already achieved initial success. It will not be long before the land can be used for planting, and the day will not lead to a self-sufficient life.

Everything is moving in the right direction, and all of this is the result of the joint efforts of these people who stayed behind the clock.

Shen Yanxiao, while sorting out the current situation of the day, listened to everyone’s complaints.

However, complaining complained that one of the things they did did not pull down.

I have been busy until the evening, and Shen Yanxiao finally has a time to rest. The people who are satisfied with the toss are gradually leaving.

Sitting in a chair, Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath and the mini dragon also learned how she exhales, the result...

Spit a small flame.

"Where is this little thing from you?" Qi Xia sat on the side, slender legs overlapping, holding his chin with one hand, looking at Xiao Yanxiao with a smile.

Everyone was gone, but the comrades of the Magic Group had all the tacit understanding. They were very curious, what happened to Shen Yanxiao during this time.

Just listening to the sound of nine dust, Shen Yanxiao is coming back with the party of the North Blizzard City, Longfei. The relationship between Blizzard City and the Sun is not as deadlocked as the Magic City, but it is not friendly, Xiaonizi goes out. One month, I actually turned the city owner of Blizzard City back. It was really ridiculous.

Shen Yanxiao poked the mini dragon, reached out and picked it up and put it on the table. The Suzaku on the side would also put a little phoenix on his head on the table, still screaming by these two mascots. Together.

"It is the Eudemons that I summoned." When Shen Yanxiao said this, his expression was very gloomy and there was no excitement.

"Hey!" As soon as he heard it, he directly sprayed the tea from the entrance.

"Is it an Eudemon?" Donaghy blushes and points to the mini dragon that is about the size of a small phoenix.

Doesn't Yunxiao say that the Eudemons is very ferocious?

But he couldn't see where the goods were cruel.

"Yeah." Shen Yanxiao nodded.

“Can you summon the Eudemons?” Yang Shi found a more noteworthy place.



The five animals are speechless and can summon the Eudemons, which means that Shen Yanxiao has broken through two turns on the warlock and became the summoner.

However, if they remember correctly, when Shen Yanxiao left the day, it seems to be only a senior professional.

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