Seven days later, Longfei led the team to leave Blizzard City.

Shen Yanxiao was asked to repair it at the first time.

"I turned two!" Shen Yan Xiao Xiaoyan stood in front of the repair, laughing and bending his eyebrows like a cat.

I looked at Shen Yanxiao with a faint look: "So?"

"Hey, help me train!" Shen Yan Xiao Yan blinked.

"Good." The repair did not hesitate to agree to Shen Yanxiao's request.

This is what they said early in the morning.

However, the growth rate of Shen Yanxiao is too fast. Even repairs did not even think that she could break through from the senior professional to the second one in a short period of one month.

"I will give you the demon that will not fall, do you help me practice them?" The basics of ordinary people are very poor. Although Shen Yanxiao thought about letting the slaves train, they are basically adult. Even if she used a variety of medicinal herbs to give them to take, their growth has been limited, this life is afraid that it is difficult to reach the level of two turns.

Giving these people to training is like a piece of tofu that allows an architect to build a magnificent castle. Perhaps it looks beautiful, but it can't stand the real blow.

Therefore, Shen Yanxiao thought about it early, and since he had to repair his hand, he must give him the best choice.

The high demon is her goal.

Before Shen Yanxiao turned a few high-level demons in the north, those demons have now officially joined the demon army, which is not falling, and the number of high-level monsters that have not fallen from the day and Joe Chu from the East City. Constant source, admired to join the high-level demon of the day, these demons are brought together, the number of high-level demon under Shen Yanxiao has exceeded 400!

Most of these four hundred high-level demons have entered the demon trade union for mercenary activities.

However, the nature of the demon is sloppy. Although the strength of the individual is strong, the ability of joint operations is a scum.

Otherwise, it will not be suppressed in this ridiculous place by the regular army of the four-nation alliance.

For this group of high-powered burst tables, the high-level demons with low teamwork ability, Shen Yanxiao can not find ways to make the best use of them.

The best option now is to give them to repair.

The demon has always been unruly, even after being surrendered by Shen Yanxiao, these demon hearts can really obey the fear that there is no second person except Shen Yanxiao himself.

Although Du Lang had instructed the demons to supplement some of the conventional knowledge of the mercenaries, Du Lang also said that all he could do was tell him what he knew, but there are several in the higher demons that will be seriously recorded. Du Lang will not know.

They are willing to listen to Du Lang's preaching, but also to see Shen Yanxiao's face, but if Du Lang wants to stand on their heads and point to them, I am afraid that this group of demons has already rioted.

However, the repair is different. Shen Yanxiao asked herself so far that she did not understand the strength of repairing. If she could suppress the presence of the demon in addition to her accident, it is estimated that there is no second person to choose except this grandfather.

"Yes." Xiu nodded, Shen Yanxiao's decision he was very satisfied, in fact, he was required to train ordinary humans, he was very worried, the army did not train out, they have already trained these people to death.

The decision of Shen Yanxiao just made him feel relieved.

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