At the beginning, it was clearly a young boy with a ugly appearance. Is Mao now a beautiful girl who has never been a fan of beauty?

The high-level demon from the north is puzzling.

"You have been very busy lately?" Shen Yan's lazy side was lying on the soft couch, and the white little hand held his head, looking at the group of stupid demons under his own smile.

"The lord is mighty!" A group of demons are fart and flattering.

Shen Yan Xiao mouth corner evoked a touch of unsatisfactory smile.

"That's just right, I have something to do here for you to make sure you don't feel bored."

"Really..." The high-level demon smashed and looked at Shen Yanxiao with a very excited look, but the floating Tudor expression on the side was not so optimistic.

He has a hunch, Shen Yanxiao, this time to find things for them, estimated...

Not so comfortable.


Buddhism can't say it! ! !

Only when he was arrested by Shen Yanxiao, he was lazy. If this time he pulled the hind legs of the Lord, this decisiveness would be killed!

"Really." Shen Yanxiao's eyes sparkled with a bad light.

The demons are even more excited.

"I will ask for one..." Shen Yanxiao said, paused, please personally? It seems that it is not right, repair is not a person.

"Great God." Shen Yanxiao gasped and said: "In the next period of time, he will be taught by you until you are fully trained into a powerful army."


The demons who were just as excited as the chicken blood, after hearing the truth of the matter, were all dumbfounded.

Their home lord intends to train them into an army?

"Yes, you will be the first regular army that will not fall." Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly.

The demons are petrified in an instant.

This news is too scary! !

"Lord, you won't be true?" When a mercenary is enough for them to be depressed, now Shen Yanxiao actually let them be soldiers... they are demons!

The ferocious demon! It’s okay for her to use them as human beings!

"What do you say?" Shen Yanxiao sat up, his face filled with smiles that made the demons creepy.

The demons want to go backwards, I don’t know why, and they see the smile like Shen Yanxiao. They all have the feeling of ridges and cool hair.

Shen Yanxiao saw through their attempts at a glance and sneered: "If you want to quit, you can leave at any time, and the dark elements that do not fall will not raise waste."


A group of demons cried in an instant, and they were as good as the second-turn strength of human beings, but they became waste in the mouth of their own lords.

"How? I don't think?" Shen Yanxiao said with a smile: "You said that you have no use in the day? I have human beings in the city, I have human beings, and even the guards are now the cave wolves." People are working, what is the use of this group of demons?"

The words of Shen Yanxiao are like a scoop of cold water, splashed on the head of the demon.

It seems that they don’t really play a role in the day.

Even the current mercenary mission is a trivial matter, even if the cave wolf mercenary team is also dealing with it, these tasks, or Du Lang, they have nothing to do, give them...

The demons who had been out of self-confidence were instantly like frosted eggplants.

It turns out they are useless, they are always eating white food! !

Hey, this is not scientific, they are also the demon of the dominating side, now how to fall to the point of white eating and drinking.

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