The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 960: Deadness does not change (3)

Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath and looked at Shen Jiawei: "Have you ever seen the appearance of No. 2?"

Shen Jiawei shook his head.

"So when Shen Jiayi and you were being held there, are you all together?" Shen Yanxiao asked.

"No, my sister is different from me. She was taken to other places. I only met her later." Shen Jiawei did not know why Shen Yanxiao's face became so ugly, and his words were more cautious.

Shen Yanxiao’s face was gloomy, and her five fingers were buckled on the handle of the chair.

She finally knew why she felt strange.

According to the ability of the warlocks, it is impossible to be easily discovered by others. With their means, even the failed products must be completely destroyed. It is absolutely impossible to release Shen Jiayi’s guinea pigs so safely after being attacked. .

Shen Jiayi and Shen Jiawei will come to the sun and never go so far.

Shen Jiawei may not know anything, but Shen Jiayi...

Shen Yanxiao clearly remembers that when Shen Jiayi and Shen Jiawei were looking for her troubles in the college competition, the blue-clad glass was around her, and the blue-fashioned glass also injured Shen Jiayi!

During the renovation, Shen Jiayi was separated from Shen Jiawei. No one knows whether those people have let Shen Jiayi see the portrait of the blue-colored glass!

With Shen Jiayi's character, I was afraid that she had already hated her, but Shen Jiayi unanimously agreed with Shen Jiawei's proposal and came to the day to go to her.

However, during the period of the day, Shen Jiayi’s performance did not show signs of softness and awakening.

All of this makes Shen Yanxiao feel suspicious. Now, with the news brought by Shen Jiawei, Shen Yanxiao is almost certain that Shen Jiawei and Shen Jiayi can escape. It is definitely not an accident. I am afraid that someone has deliberately created this opportunity. Let the brothers and sisters escape to the sun, and take her sympathy with the experience of the two of them, so that she can allow them to stay in the day!

It is inevitable that Shen Yanxiao is suspicious, and because Shen Jiawei still has medicine to save, Shen Jiayi did not tell Shen Jiawei about it, but only used Shen Jiawei as a cover.

So that she can have reason to stay in the sun, looking for the second person for the group.

All the clues are connected in series, and Shen Yanxiao has already understood the ins and outs of things.

I was afraid that when she appeared with the Suzaku in front of the people, the group had already suspected that the disappearance of No. 2 was related to her, but she had already arrived in a ridiculous place, and even if they wanted to pursue it, they would be afraid. Now that the Suzaku family has been moved to the sun, Shen Jiayi and Shen Jiawei are the best excuses.

"It’s really a good hand!" Shen Yanxiao’s mouth was sneer with a sneer, and the gloomy eyes were daunting.

Shen Jiawei subconsciously shrinks his neck.

Shen Yanxiao looked at Shen Jiawei: "Why do you want to tell me this? Is Shen Jiayi not your sister?"

Shen Jiawei paused and gnawed her teeth: "She is my sister and the closest person to me. Because of this, I don't want to see her muddy feet. The city owner, I know very well that now I am the same with you." No, neither I nor my sister can be your opponent. I just want to live well, for the sake of my previous sins, and pray for your forgiveness. I just want to be safe. After my life, I don't want to see my sister wrong again, because I know that no matter what she is going to do, she will not be your opponent."

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