The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 972: I will protect you for one day in one day (2)

"Oh?" Shen Yanxiao slightly raised his eyebrows, and sure enough, the Su River knows.

The Su River slowly told everything he knew to Shen Yanxiao.

Similar to Shen Yanxiao’s guess, Suhe and Yinjiuchen know the existence of the group of people, and the Su River itself is the experimental product of those people, but his body only combines the characteristics of two races, The dragon and the dwarf, so he is very clear about the ore.

The Su River is only a failure. It escaped from the organization in an accident. Unlike the blue-brown glass, the weight of the Su River is not heavy. They have not traced it. The Su River has no way to go, and it has fallen into the forgotten mark. When doing slave sales.

In the forgotten mark, he met the sound of nine dust, he was tortured by the test, he saw the special sound of the nine dust, her body is the best test for the group, so in When the man appeared, the Su River escaped with the sound of the nine dusts. In his view, the simple and fragile sound of the nine dusts is like his own sister. He can't stand the sound of the nine dust falling into the hands of those people.

In the hands of those people, even if the sound is over the test, I am afraid that it will become a monster.

They escaped, and fortunately they met Shen Yanxiao on the way, which reversed the situation.

When I heard Shen Yanxiao mention the man today, Su He immediately realized that the physique of Yin Jiu Dust is likely to be the target they are looking for. He knows that he is not their opponent. He can only pray that Shen Yanxiao can protect the sound nine. Dust and thorough.

He also knows that his own deliberate concealment is likely to bring damage to the day.

Therefore, he has been offering everything in the past few days, just to make up for his own deficiencies.

Shen Yanxiao listened quietly, watching the crying pear flower with the rain and the sound of the nine dust, she sighed in her heart, this is just an ordinary girl, but because of her physical temperament caused such a big trouble.

However, the man appeared in the day because of the blue-fitting glass, which means that they did not care about the sound of the nine, which may be a good thing.

Only in the future, she still has to look at the sounds.

"These things don't matter. As long as I am in a day, I will protect you for one day. That person has already been killed. You don't have to worry." Shen Yanxiao said that he had solved the concern of the Suhe. She just wanted to know the truth, but not Really want to scare them.

Suhe slightly glimpsed, and immediately thanked Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao calmed them for a moment and let them go back.

But her heart has not been calm for a long time.

How many people are eyeing them like the sound of nine dust? In the daytime, because there is a blue-fitting glass, the sound of the nine dusts has been neglected, but if it is changed to other places, I am afraid that not everyone will have the good luck of sound and dust.

Blue-clad glass, sound nine dust, Shen Jiawei, they were originally half-large children, but because of their physical fitness, they became the object of the group of people to test.

Shen Yanxiao is not a good person, but her heart also has its own limit.

Since these people have already turned to her, she must protect them to the end.

If it is coming, those people really have to surface, and she will not give up half points.

If she can't protect her own, then she is not too suffocating!

In her day, she is the person of her, and no one wants to let her people be wronged when she is alive!

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