The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 980: Quartet test (3)

"As far as I know, the city owner of Dusk City has a beast, but he is not very old, and his personal strength seems to be only at the level of senior professionals. The overall success of the city owner is the greatest." Du Lang investigated very much. Clearly, no matter whether it is personal strength or Warcraft, it can't compete with Shen Yanxiao. Although the personal strength of Longfei is between Shen and Xiao, but it is defeated on Warcraft, the beast of the Blizzard Mercenary is now Long Xueyao inherits, and Longfei owns only a high-level Warcraft.

The one in Dusk City, although there are beasts, but personal strength is not as good as Shen Yanxiao.

How to see it, the personal competition is also the highest.

"The rest is the team game and the group match." Said the two Du waves are somewhat unsteady.

If the day does not drop the high-level demon to participate in the competition, it is estimated that the other party is too tired to beat, but...

They don’t know how many masters are hidden in the other three parties. No one knows whether anyone will find the secrets of these high monsters among those people.

In particular, the blood of the demon is purple. Unlike human beings, it is inevitable that there will be damage during the game. As long as one demon is injured, even if it is rubbed, I am afraid that this secret will not be able to stop.

"This game will not use the demon, the candidate will choose from you." Shen Yanxiao also thought of this layer, now is not the time to expose the demon.

"This team has a hundred people, even if we are all in the wolf mercenary group, it is still a few worse." Du Lang has some helplessness, the strength of the day is not strong, but the strong are the high-level strength and Demon, there are really a few of these human beings who can get their hands. It is really difficult for them to fill a hundred stable people in the city to participate in the team competition.

Shen Yanxiao frowned, and she also had a headache.

Under her hand, in addition to the Magic Group and the Wolf Coats, there seems to be no strong human beings, even Blue Seals, she is not prepared to let him participate this time.

The blue-colored glass shot is too shocking. It is hard not to attract the attention of others. Once he is discovered, his identity is afraid to attract a lot of trouble.

Shen Yanxiao originally planned to put the five animals in Qixia into the team battle and make up the number. However, the competition has regulations. All the contestants can only participate in one competition. If they participate in the team competition, then they will participate in the team competition. Can only say goodbye to the group stage.

Moreover, although the personal strength of Qi Xia and others is very high, it is basically the internal coordination of the Magic Spirit Group. If it is coordinated with the Wolves Mercenary, I am afraid that it will need to be used for a while, otherwise I will be the second. A miracle alliance.

"Cough, if I can't see it, I can bring a few people to participate." Jiu Shu, who has been standing on the side without a sigh, suddenly said.

“Is it okay?” Shen Yanxiao gave a slight glimpse. The nine uncles were rarely used, and they were generally only responsible for some farm work.

"There should be no problem. They can still find a few countertops in them." Nine uncle smiled, Shen Yanxiao was very caring for them, even because they didn't want them to feel different from others. She is almost not what they do to do special things, only let them continue in the ordinary people's life.

Nine Uncle is very grateful to Shen Yanxiao for doing everything. Now Shen Yanxiao lacks people, he naturally will not sit and watch.

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