The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 982: Quartet test (5)

Five animals have a feeling of being cured in an instant.

It’s all awkward, and it’s not that you can bring a child with you.

Anyway, Nangong Mengmeng has already worshipped under the Shenyan Xiaomen. As their younger generation, they should take care of the younger generation.

The five young and energetic "Shi Shu" quickly accepted the honor of Nangong Mengmeng.

It feels like... cool!

"Cough, I don't have any opinions. Anyway, there are a few of us. I don't want to worry about the moths on the opposite side. Since the teacher wants to play, let's go." Donnazhi immediately took the shelf of the elders. Don't be too fluent.

This kind of self-sister suddenly burst out of a little guy, the feeling of sudden increase in his own generation, really subtle.

The five animals completely forgot the actual age of Nangong Meng Meng and they are basically the same, but it is the fact that Shen Yan Xiao is really a little guy.

"Hey! Long live Master!" Nangong Meng Meng cheered.

"Master... Long live..." Donna’s mouth twitched, it seems that they promised, and Shen Yanxiao did not speak. For Mao, this gimmick directly praised her master. Say thank you for your uncle!

It’s really an apprentice that Shen Yanxiao taught, and the temperament of vomiting blood is really ancestral!

Donnazhi silently swallowed the blood of his throat.

Shen Yanxiao is notoriously short-term protection, and in the short-term protection, the sister-in-law is more ferocious than the man, and he does not dare to test her gangsters in front of her.

For Nangong Meng Meng's eyes, only Master's practice, Shen Yanxiao is very interesting.

Nangong Meng Meng’s thoughts are written on her face, and her respect and worship are beyond doubt.

During this time, Shen Yanxiao is more and more like this apprentice.

The personnel of the three games have been finalized. Shen Yanxiao will let people arrange their luggage and leave in two days.

After taking everyone away, the blue-clad glass stood by Shen Yanxiao's side with a small head and sullenly pulling the Yan Yan's clothes.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yanxiao looked at the blue-and-white glass, and the child became more and more distressed.

"Sister... Are you going to leave again?" The blue-clad glass was very light, but with a hint of trembling.

Shen Yanxiao is getting busy, he can hardly be with her often, and he is not willing to increase her burden, so he is more and more watching Sun Yanxiao busy, not to disturb Shen Yan Xiao.

However, Shen Yanxiao had to leave, and he couldn’t even see her at a distance.

The heart of the blue-brown glass is like a person who is caught by a person.

Shen Yanxiao’s heart has a pain, and the blue-brown glass is really well-behaved. He never asks her for any trouble. When he needs him, he is there. When he doesn’t need it, he just stands quietly. Even when Nangong Mengmeng proposed to participate, he did not stand up and said that he would go.

Shen Yanxiao knows that Lan Fengli has an inexplicable dependence on himself, just because she did not mention it, so he will not say it.

This kind of forbearance makes Shen Yanxiao feel a little distressed.

"Small seal with me to go well?" Shen Yan Xiao bite his teeth, and finally decided to go to Dusk City with blue glass, as long as he is not allowed to shoot, he will not be so easily discovered after the easy tolerance .

The blue-brown glass looked up in abruptly, and the clear eyes flashed a hint of surprise.

"I... can I go too?"

"of course."


Eight ends.

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