"The first generation of the city at dusk called the endless city. He is not a person from the Seven Kingdoms. He seems to be an orphan. He was adopted by the Presbyterian. Which country he belongs to, no one knows, but ten years ago, the city of Dusk was just established. The paragraph is boundless, and now he is in charge of the Dusk City. It is a stepless son, called Duan Niu. This year seems to be only fifteen years old, but his talent is very high. He broke through when he was 14 years old last year. The level of senior professional, the Warcraft is also the red beast of the beast level. On the same day, Di Di and Duan Kee battle, but the five rounds were defeated by the traces." Nan Gong Meng Meng is very responsible to tell all the gossip that I know. Shen Yanxiao.

"Red Flame Beast?" Shen Yan Xiao slightly raised his eyebrows, and she has never heard of such a beast.

The Seventh Country is composed of seven small countries, of which there are only seven beasts. Each of the beasts is owned by the seven elders of the Presbyterian Church. I really don't know that the Seventh Kingdom has the eighth beast.

"Red Flame Beast is a fire system of Warcraft, it is said that it is very powerful, hear the red flame beast, the whole body is red flame, the fire is poisonous, the Chinese are dead, very ferocious." Nangong sprouts his eyes, subconsciously looks at the sitting Suzaku on the side.

Suzaku is also a fire system of Warcraft, and the ability to manipulate the flame is extremely strong.

I don't know who is strong and who is weak.

Suzaku frowned.

"Suzaku, do you know it?" Shen Yanxiao saw Suzaku look abnormal and asked.

Suzaku said: "One of the fierce beasts, the most loved to mess, but did not expect it to sign a contract with humans."

"Ferocious beast?" Shen Yanxiao doubts.

Suzaku licks the lips and says: "Wherever Warcraft becomes a beast level, there are corresponding classifications, such as me, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu, Phoenix and Baize, all belong to the spirit beast, while the red flame beast is a fierce beast."

Nangong Meng Meng immediately said: "I know that the spirit of the beast is gentle, and it is very friendly to human beings. It is mostly to protect human security. But the early beasts are very disgusting to human beings, although they are not as ferocious as the Mozu, but they are not as ferocious as the Mozu. It will also be chaotic on the bright continent. Few beasts and humans will sign contracts. I was surprised when I knew it. The beasts basically waited for humans. Like the notorious cicada, they didn’t eat less. people."


Shen Yan Xiao Yuanmu, the name of this, she had heard of her past lives, is said to be a greedy and unregulated food.

"Suzaku, if you are fighting against the Red Flame Beast, can you have a chance of winning?" Shen Yanxiao asked, at present, I am afraid that I can only compete with myself.

Although he can suppress him in strength, the most important thing is the confrontation between the two beasts.

Suzaku was silent for a moment, and there was a trace of uncertainty on his face.

"If it was the peak period, I was naturally not afraid of it, but..." Suzaku looked down at her young body, and her eyes flashed a trace of sorrow.

Shen Yanxiao noticed the fluctuation of Suzaku's mind. When Suzaku first saw them, Qinglong said that Suzaku was so injured, so the other four beasts are adult forms, only Suzaku is a form of young children. .

Shen Yanxiao has always been puzzled. What kind of injury has Suzaku suffered? It will become the present appearance. Suzaku has been rehabilitated for a hundred years. Why haven’t he cured the wound?

"Suzaku, have you really beaten in the past?" Nangong Mengmeng seems to know what, she is very curious to look at Suzaku.

Suzaku’s face was gloomy in an instant.

Nangong Meng Meng knew nothing, immediately covered his mouth, and looked at Suzaku apologetically.

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