They are deeply impressed by the thief's alms!

This incident directly shocked the city owner of the Dusk City, and almost all the soldiers in the city were dispatched to search for the whereabouts of the little thief.

However, everyone has subconsciously forgotten the group of people who are not falling in the day. In their minds, the local tyrants who can spend millions of gold coins a day, it is impossible to do such a thing of stealing chickens and dogs, this night’s loss It’s almost the same as their day’s consumption. Isn’t it necessary?

I don’t know...

A city owner who was imaginary by them is the chief culprit in this theft case!

Shen Yanxiao woke up and was already on the top of the sun. She changed her clothes and went to the dining room to go for food. The five animals just sat there and saw that she immediately waved her to come and use the rice together.

Shen Yan slowly walked down and sat down. These foods are the works of a restaurant chef in the dusk city. Others may feel very delicious, but for them, they are used to the singularity of the chefs. In fact, these things are not very delicious.

"How was the harvest last night?" Qi Xia supported his chin and looked at his eyes and some pajamas.

Shen Yanxiao took a porridge of millet and grinded and said: "It is enough for this dusk city."

The five animals have a heart and soul, and immediately understand the results of Shen Yanxiao last night.

This Xiao Nizi is really wretched. By the money of others, the face of others is taken for granted. It is really a great worship.

Six people were eating, but Nangong Meng Meng came back from the outside, and she still had a small string of ornaments in her hand. As soon as she saw Shen Yanxiao, she immediately rushed to the same.

"Master! Master! I have gossip to say!" Nangong Meng Meng woke up early, but when she found that Shen Yanxiao was still resting, she did not bother her master's dream, but ran to the dusk city. It is.

This wandering really made her hear interesting things.

"What is it?" Shen Yanxiao has not been completely awake, her eyes are a little sluggish and staring at the food in front of her eyes, and she has a bite to eat.

Nangong Mengmeng was very excited and said: "I heard that many families in the city were thieves at dusk last night!"

"Oh." Shen Yanxiao continued to eat.

The expression of the five animals is very complicated.

"Hey, Master, you know?" Seeing Shen Yanxiao did not react, Nangong Meng Meng was somewhat curious.

"I don't know." Shen Yanxiao continued to struggle with Xiaomi porridge.

"It’s not an ordinary thief. It’s said to be a very sly thief. I stole all the wealthy merchants’ houses in the dusk city in one night, and it’s strange that the thief didn’t completely steal it and left them. Part of it, you said that this is not a thief? Pirates also have a way?" Nangong Meng Meng tried to say what he heard the gossip.


Shen Yanxiao still has no reaction.

Nangong Mengmeng was somewhat disappointed. She also pointed to this gossip to cheer her master.

Shen Yanxiao did not react, but the expression of the five animals was more and more entangled.

"Uncle Shi, what's wrong with you?" Nangong Mengmeng finally realized that her five uncles were abnormal.

"Nothing, eat it." Qi Xia calmly opened, if Nangong Meng Meng knows, the thief in her mouth, is sitting in the opposite Master, I do not know what to think?


Eight ends

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