The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 993: Dusk City (11)

Longfei looked for Shen Yanxiao to lift the curse and did a very low-key thing. People in Blizzard City would not be rumored. Shen Yanxiao did not make people talk about it. There are few people who know this.

In addition, when the previous days were not built, Judi and Longfei and Duan Niu both harassed, and they would not feel how good the relationship between Longfei and Shen Yanxiao would be.

Shen Yanxiao slightly frowns, she always feels that things in the dusk city are a bit strange, although the dusk city before the shooting blocked the construction of the day, but the strength is similar to Blizzard City, Longfei is not too happy to harass the day. There is also the kindness of the Suzaku family, but the dusk city did not show too much hostility to the sun from the beginning.

But why did the attitude of the segment mark change a hundred and eighty degrees after entering the twilight city this time?

If these things happen in the Magic City, Shen Yanxiao is not curious, but the paragraph marks are so unscrupulous that they offend themselves, completely inconsistent with the style of the twilight city.

The contrast between front and back is so great that I have to let Shen Yanxiao think deeply.

"Master, this invitation says, you can bring a person to go with, who do you want to bring?" Nangong Meng Meng took the invitation and left to look at the right, really feels very unsightly, but when I think of Shen Yanxiao this time Can only stay one person, she immediately put on a "seek to take away" expression.

Shen Yanxiao directly ignored her request and directly directed Qi Xiadao, who was on the sidelines: "Qi Xia, you will accompany me tonight."

"..." Nangong Meng Meng wants to cry.

Qi Xia shrugged, and under the eyes of the other four beasts, he stood up slowly.

"Respect is not as good as life."

Shen Yan Xiao nodded, there is a reason to choose Qi Xia, these people around her, to count the belly black, Qi Xia said that the second no one dare to call the first, although Nangong Meng Meng is likable, but the temper is too simple, And it has already resented the matter of Dusk City. If she took her in the past, she would be able to point her finger at the nose and accuse her.

"It's not too late. You are going to be late now. Would you like me to prepare a horse-drawn carriage?" Yan Yu looked at the sky, and the banquet was estimated to start more than half an hour.

Shen Yanxiao shook his head.

Qi Xia and Shen Yan Xiao look at each other, the two at the same time in the other's eyes to find a tacit understanding of the poor light.


In the city hall of Dusk City, the lights are bright and the piano is melodious.

The teenager in the main position is white and handsome, but the beautiful facial features are not half-faced. Sitting next to him is a 70-year-old man with a white beard and a dark green robe. the taste of.

Only everyone in the room knows that the protagonist of the city at dusk tonight is not the trace of sitting on the right side, but the old man.

"Warm elders, I haven't seen you for many years, you still have the style." Wearing a luxurious costume of a nobleman, Di Di's self-placed up, holding a glass of wine, respecting the silent old man.

"The Lord of the City is also not innocent." Wen Chang's faint toast responded.

"How can the elders of Wen be empty to the ridiculous land this time? If I don't know the matter if I don't write to my father, then I have to be slow." Ding Xiaoxiao's incomparable hypocrisy.

"But just take a look at it." Wen elder smiled.

Yan Di and the elders of the elders chilled a few words, sitting in the opposite of the dragon fly but slightly frowning.

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