The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 997: Dusk City (15)

"Who are you?" Long Xueyao asked with a frown.

The teenager smiled slightly: "In Xia Luofan, he used to be an exchange student of the Lancang Dynasty to the Longxuan Imperial Saint Laurent College, where I personally experienced the insidiousness of the Shencheng Lord."

Yan Di took a breath and glanced at Luo Fan. Luo Fan gave him a peace of mind.

Immediately, Luo Fandao: "Under the next, I was quite versatile in pharmacy. When I went to Saint Laurent College, I was innocent and challenged me. I was thinking of being a pharmacist and learning from each other. Accepted her challenge, but did not want her to do the hands and feet in the pharmacy of the game, turning me from a pharmacy genius into a waste, not afraid of your jokes, I Luo Fan can not repair the temper now, can not practice magic, even the spirit There is nothing left to be destroyed, nothing can be done."

There was a trace of surprise on Long Xueyao’s face. She looked at Longfei. Longfei swept a circle on Luo Fan’s body. With his current strength, it is natural to see that Luo Fan’s words are indeed empty. It is indeed a He was abolished, and he hesitated to nod to Long Xueyao.

"How is it possible." Long Xueyao's face is incredible, and Shen Yanxiao's impression on her is definitely not such a sly person.

Luo Fan smiled bitterly: "I don't have to lie to you. If it is really a derogation of her hand, why should I drag this despicable body to appear in front of people? I was quite famous on that day, and I was also noticed at Yves Saint Laurent College. I want to come. I was too swayed, I don’t know how to converge, I was hated by Shen Yanxiao."

Luo Fan said that the miserable, as if Yan Yan Xiao is such a small belly chicken, can not see others better than her.

Long Xueyao bite the lip, she always feels that Luo Fan said that the person is completely different from Shen Yanxiao, but Luo Fan has indeed been abolished, he does not need to lie to her, and Luo Fan's identity is not obscure, if She has the heart to send people to inquire, but also to find out, if he lie, he will be exposed soon.

Long Xueyao is young and has not experienced much. She can't think of Luo Fan's words as out of context.

Luo Fan was indeed ruined by Shen Yanxiao, but all this was also his self-sufficiency. If he did not help Shangguan Xiao and Pris to force Donna to the pharmacist branch, Shen Yanxiao could not be so embarrassed.

It is a pity that the reason for the incident Luo Fan did not say, even if Long Xueyao sent people to inquire and could not hear the news of this layer, these only the end of Shen Yanxiao and five animals know.

"When is Shen Yan Xiao really so vicious?" Wen elders were convinced of Luo Fan's words, and he was disgusted with Shen Yanxiao.

Luo Fancheng said: "I don't dare to talk casually, not only me, but even the first place in the Pharmacist Division of Saint Laurent College was completely destroyed by her mentality. Now that person is cultivated in the Magic City, he The teacher was Pisces, the pharmacy master. When Yan Yanxiao was at St. Roland College, he often spoke to Master Pris. At that time, Master Pris was already the dean of the pharmacist's branch, but he was ruined by Yan Yanxiao. Forcing him to take his own disciple away from the Blue Dragon Dynasty to find my master Jun Mo for our two. "Luo Fan said the words are sincere, the tone is even more sad, really smelling sad and tears.

Correspondingly, the image of Shen Yanxiao has been black and purple under the sniper of Luo Fan.


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