The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 134 Entering the body, the brilliance of gem meat!

"Sure enough, a man full of miracles."

Sharapova looked at the screen with a blurred gaze, the man sitting on the monster in a winning attitude was so domineering.

Even if it is covered with dust, it cannot hide the dazzling light on his body.

Of course, some people are not so happy.

"This yellow monkey!"

Cross's face was gloomy and he looked at Su Yu through gritted teeth.

How can he be so strong!

Even this monster can't kill him, how on earth can he kill him?

Especially when he was so weak before, why did he grow so fast~!

There was a sudden sense of fear in his heart.

You must know that they have sent remodelers to assassinate before - Su Yu.

The two have already formed a hatred!

"President Raheem, we must act quickly."

If this goes on, Cross is afraid that the opponent's strength will increase again in a few days!

"Hmm. 99

Rahim also nodded with a dull gaze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Only Oz sat there calmly, as if everything had been expected.

At this time, Su Yu was ready to enter the body of the Ligaru Mammoth.

"As I told you before, this Ligaru mammoth has gem meat inside, so we're going to take out the gem meat now.

Facing the camera, Su Yu stood next to the Ligaru Mammoth and explained to the crowd.

"Come on, I can't wait, what exactly does the gem meat look like!"

"Yes, God Su, hurry up, such a terrifying beast, the meat must be delicious!

"Then what specific method will be used to take out the gem meat from its body, and have it been dissected?"

Seeing the audience's remarks, Su Yu shook his head.

"Killing the Ligaru Mammoth can certainly take out the flesh of the gem, but that's the way to fish.

You must know that the reproductive ability of Ligaru Mammoth is not strong, and the gem meat in its body can be regenerated,

So I'm about to enter its body to find gem meat!"

into its body?!


After hearing Su Yu's words, the audience's eyes widened.

His face was full of shock, as if he did not expect the other party to take such a method.

But thinking about it carefully, they also understood Su Shen's approach.

It is easy to kill it directly, but it loses the existence of a source of energy that continuously grows gem meat.

Just like the electric fish.

Only living Ligaru mammoths are the most valuable!

At this moment, they seem to have completely forgotten what kind of disaster the Ligaru mammoth will bring alive.

After Su Yu's victory, they were no longer afraid of it.

Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Su Yu came to the mountain-sized body.

Immediately afterwards, I saw him stretch out his right hand.

Turning his palms into knives, he cut the skin of Ligaru Mammoth into a channel that could accommodate him.

It looks like the wound is huge, but to the other side, the wound is completely insignificant.

Not even blood came out.

tread, tread, tread...

Spreading his legs, Su Yu stepped inside the Ligaru Mammoth.

Something surprising happened.

I thought that the dark and dead space did not exist, but it was full of light!

The inside of the Ligaru mammoth is even brighter than during the day!

The sound of the wind coming from the phone made them understand that there was air circulation inside.

That huge body is not cramped at all, just like a real house!

Of course, the crawling meat next to it still makes some people sick.

"Hey, why is it so bright here, you must know that this is the body of a beast!

"Yeah, it's totally unscientific, and the place is so wide that it doesn't even lack oxygen.

"I thought that the inside of the Narigalu Mammoth should be dark and dead, but I never expected such a scene!"

Everyone exclaimed.

"This light is emitted by the gem-like flesh inside the Ligaru Mammoth, and the brilliance from that flesh is enough to illuminate its entire body.

While explaining everyone's confusion, Su Yu's eyes were also filled with surprise.

Even though this was expected, he was still shocked by everything in front of him.

What an amazing creature!

How can a piece of meat light up an entire body?

After Su Yu's explanation, everyone became more curious about the gem meat!

What kind of meat is that!

Their barren brains are completely unimaginable, and they can only urgently urge Su Yu to make him act quickly.

But Su Yu didn't move in a hurry.

Instead, he came to the meat wall next to him, and the rich meat fragrance had already made him unbearable!

Under such a close observation, he found that the meat in front of him was not only tender and smooth, but also very firm!

The rich meat aroma is completely unmatched by beef and pork!

In an instant, Su Yu took out a knife and cut a piece.


The golden and alluring oil suddenly leaked out, like honey.

Watching all the mouth watering!

The cut meat was even more covered with snow patterns, which looked like a work of art.


With one bite, Su Yu actually ate it raw.

Under this temptation, the appetite in his body could no longer be controlled.

In the mouth, it is tender like fish, with the fiber of beef and the elasticity of shrimp.

The mellow fragrance wafts throughout the mouth.

Every time you chew, you can feel the sputtering of oil, with a touch of sweetness and saltiness.

A full mouthful is full of satisfaction!

A whole piece of meat was quickly eaten by Su Yu.

Then, he turned his attention to various other places.

With endless appetite in his eyes.

A piece of meat simply cannot satisfy his appetite!

In this way, he walked forward, cutting the meat from the surrounding meat wall and putting it in his mouth.

This scene left the audience dumbfounded.

"Shen Su, this... is eating a buffet?"

"Hey, that meat looks so tempting, and that golden oil is as dazzling as a gem."

"Forget about fat, the texture on the meat alone can't even compare with the highest-grade beef!"

"Gulu~ I have something to say, it's so greedy!"

Most of the audience was drooling at the moment, staring at the screen eagerly.

But there are always weird people online, like now.

"This, isn't it too cruel, to know that the beast is not dead yet!"

"That's right, Su Shen is too cruel. If you want to eat it, you just kill it. If you choose to let it go, why eat its meat like this?"

"The sb upstairs? Just the size of the Ligaru mammoth, this bit of meat is not even a mosquito wound to it, and it can't feel pain at all."

"That's it, like we humans feel pain when a little bit of skin is scratched?"

"Upstairs, have you ever seen a broken skin sent to the hospital? The wound will be healed later!"

Soon, the conversation of the barrage shifted from the flesh of the Ligaru mammoth to other places.

A few people thought Su Yu's actions were too cruel.

And most people think that Su Yu's actions are nothing, just too greedy.

The two sides were even more arguing, and Su Yu was eating meat intently at the moment without noticing.


Swallowing the meat in his mouth again, Su Yu found that every part of the Ligaru Mammoth was delicious!

For example, pork belly is fat but not greasy, and the rich fat makes the meat taste very silky, with a strong meat flavor.

0 asking for flowers ................

Tenderloin is very springy, has no grease at all, and tastes like beef.

The rib meat is perfect, not only very springy, but also very tender, like a combination of pork belly and tenderloin.

Each part of the meat has its own characteristics.

But without a doubt, all the meat brings Su Yu unparalleled satisfaction and enjoyment!


However, at this moment, the sound of a snake spitting a letter suddenly came from in front of Su Yu.

Everyone also stopped arguing, and couldn't help but turn their eyes away.

What appeared in their eyes was a snake about five meters long.

The snake's body is covered with colorful patterns and looks very beautiful.

But sometimes the prettiest creatures are often the more dangerous!

Especially snakes and spiders, the more beautiful the color, the more likely the snake is highly poisonous!

【Poisonous Colored Snake】

reptiles, edible

Capture Level: Iv20

(Note: The venom of the highly venomous colored snake is very terrifying. Only 0.1mg can cause hundreds of deaths. Be very careful!)


The snake kept spitting out letters, and at the same time looked at Su Yu vigilantly.

Seemingly suspecting that they were wrong, the audience rubbed their eyes vigorously.

How can there be snakes here?

You must know that this is the inside of the Ligaru Mammoth!

Su Yu understood the doubts of the audience, so he opened his mouth and explained:

"You can also see that the Ligaru mammoth was very large, which caused it to eat and not chew.

Some creatures live here directly after entering its body. There is air and light here, and the temperature is completely suitable.

From time to time other food is swallowed, so in theory the creatures can survive here for a long time.

The voice fell, and the audience understood.

It turned out to be such a thing, and sure enough, they still have too little money!

"As for this snake, its name is Vicious Colored Snake, as the name suggests, its body is extremely poisonous, and only 0.1mg can cause hundreds of deaths.

The poisonous colored snake is a reptile with a capture level of lv20 and can be eaten. "

[Ding, you have popularized the highly poisonous colored snake, and you will get a bonus constitution +10]

Hearing this, the audience sighed with emotion:

"Another super menacing creature!"

"Sure enough, it's still too dangerous outside. Without Su Shen's strength, it is estimated that I would die a hundred times in the wild!"

"I was bitten by this snake, I guess I went to see my ancestors on the spot?"

Su Yu ignored the presence of the poisonous colored snake and walked forward.

He didn't take it seriously at all, anyway, he was invulnerable to all poisons.

No toxin will work on him!

If the snake was not delicious, Su Yu would slaughter it and make snake meat soup.

However, just because Su Yu ignores the snake doesn't mean the snake ignores Su Yu!

Watching Su Yu keep getting closer, it raised its upper body in an attacking stance.

At the same time, bite the opponent with lightning speed!

Those two huge fangs dripped with viscous venom and bit Su Yu's calf in the blink of an eye.


The sound of teeth gnashing on steel came, and there was also the sound of breaking.

The poisonous colored snake loosened its mouth, and then violently twisted its body.

His eyes were full of pain and doubt.

Why is this creature's skin so hard, not only did it not bite in, but its own teeth were broken?

Su Yu ignored his thoughts and moved on, ignoring the other party.

Because he's almost at the place where the gem meat exists!

With excitement and anticipation on his face, Su Yu quickened his pace.

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