Not only those beasts, but also people who were 100 meters underground were anesthetized!

The moment Su Yu's fist fell, their bodies lost control!

"what happened?"

Someone shouted in panic.

I tried my best to control my body and wanted to move, but I found that I couldn't feel the existence of my body at all!

Although the consciousness is still awake, the body seems to be anesthetized!

"What happened, why can't I move?"

"Help me! I don't want to die!"

"It's over, is this another round of disasters?"

"What exactly happened?!"

The sudden change has filled millions of people with fear and anxiety.

They couldn't understand what happened and didn't know it was Su Yu's handwriting.

Only when something disaster is about to come!

They kept begging for help, begging for someone to save them.

Even the soldiers around who were constantly maintaining order were completely immobile.

But compared to ordinary people, their performance is still calm.

He even started to soothe the crowd.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine, don't worry!"

"The effect is not bad."

Seeing that all the creatures around were standing still and unable to move, Su Yu was also very satisfied.

This move may not be useful for large beasts, but it is still very effective when used to force and clean up mobs.

Then, he looked at the rock drum in front of him.

"To come here on purpose to die, you seem to be a little unkind if you don't complete it."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yu's right hand had already dropped.

A pale blue light flickered in the air.


That brilliance penetrated the body of the rock drum, splitting it in two.

Without feeling the slightest pain, the life of the rock drum had dissipated.

The huge body turned into two halves and fell to the sides.

The one that was supposed to dominate one side died as soon as it came to this world.


The sudden fall of the rock drum also attracted people's attention.

They couldn't help but looked over, and only then did they realize that there seemed to be a person standing there!

Who is it?

His brows were only wrinkled, and his eyes were focused on the man.

They don't know who is so afraid of death, and dare to appear outside under such circumstances.

But when the smoke cleared, they saw the figure clearly.

Who is it if it's not Su Yu?!

"God Su, God Su is there!"

"My God, God Su actually appeared outside, and there was a rock drum lying on the ground?!"

"Hey, I thought it was some lifeless person outside, but it turned out to be God Su, then it's all right."

"Shen Su is really awesome, he dares to stay outside in such danger!"

At the moment when they saw Su Shen, a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in people's eyes.

The despair and panic in his eyes slowly faded away.

Instead, there is excitement, joy and anticipation!

The man appeared!

The opponent's previous performance and that strong strength made them feel at ease.

As long as God Su is there, it will be fine, right?

Perhaps Su Yu didn't even think of it, at this time he has become the hope in everyone's heart.

All he wants now is to kill all these intruders!

After the rock drum fell, his target turned to the crab pig.

The huge body, hard shell and sharp pincers make it perfect.

All the biological buildings along the way were cut in half by it.

tread, tread, tread

Only the sound of Su Yu's footsteps echoed in the still air.

Let those beasts that are dozens of meters in size notice this ant.

In their puzzled eyes, the ant walked up to a beast with a hard outer shell.

Then, one punch!

There are no fancy moves. After eating the meat of the gem, Su Yu's strength is no longer the same as before.

Even an ordinary punch pierced through the shell of the crab pig in an instant.


This punch directly caused the crab paste to splash out.

The air was filled with the rich smell of crab paste.


Another large beast fell.

Seeing this, panic appeared in the eyes of the creatures around.

The body instinct makes them afraid, and they want to run away from here immediately.

At this time, Su Yu is already a demonic existence in their eyes!

However, even if they wanted to escape, there was no way.

Can only watch Su Yu walking towards them again.

Step, step, step!

The crisp footsteps sounded like the god of death knocking on the door, each step on their hearts.

Who's turn is it next?


The Guerra crocodile fell, followed by the Snowflakes.

One beast after another was killed like a chicken by Su Yu.

It made everyone's eyes a little dazed, and it seemed that it was not a beast standing there, but a prey that was about to be slaughtered.


With the fall of the last horned rhinoceros, the slaughter is officially over!

Su Yu also unlocked the effect of vast acupuncture.

After the battle, the people underground also regained consciousness.

This made them still not understand that it was Su Shen's handwriting just now?

Only he can do such a shocking thing.

It can actually make all creatures forbidden to stay in place, what kind of fairy method is this?

"`. God Su is awesome! My true God!"

"Don't say it, starting today, I will set up a tablet for Su Shen at home and offer it every day!"

"Hey, it's too easy for Su Shen to kill these beasts, a child with one punch?"

"Compared to this, I'm more concerned about how God Su can prevent all creatures from moving?

"I don't know, anyway, God Su is awesome and it's over!"

People shouted excitedly, and the sanctuary was filled with laughter and laughter.

It is no longer cloudy and full of despair as before.

They were having a heated discussion, discussing Su Yu's just great outburst.

Discuss that destructive battle!

They are not only (good Zhao) waiting for despair to come, they also have the capital to resist!

And that capital comes from Su Yu!

Tens of thousands of dead beasts fell to the ground, Su Yu stood at the top and called Song Dingfeng.

"Show up and clean up, there is no danger here, as for the bodies of these beasts, let's divide them up. 99

After speaking, he immediately set off for the next city.

No one but him can solve this crisis perfectly!

Unless the country abandons the city and washes the ground with large missiles.

But not only will the entire city be destroyed, but the underground shelter will also be severely damaged!

So, Su Yu needs to be more diligent this time.

"Hey! Points"

With a whistle, Su Yu jumped into the distance.

What greeted him was the double crocodile dragon who heard the sound!

Landing on the opponent's back, the double crocodile dragon just carried Su Yu to the next destination!

Next, is the capital!

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