The Gourmet World is Integrated, Start to Popular Science The Rainbow Fruit

Chapter 145: One husband is in charge, ten thousand people are not allowed to open, Su Shen is invin

In just a few minutes, in the presence of millions of people.

The countless huge birds and beasts flew quickly towards Su Yu.

The distance between the two is only a few hundred meters!

If ordinary people see this scene in front of them, they will be instantly frightened.

The terrifying beasts that cover the sky can even make people feel hopeless in their hearts.

But is Su Yu a normal person?

He took a deep breath, and the air flowed through his mouth to his lungs.

His chest bulged high, and the energy in his body began to rush and gather.

Like a balloon about to explode.

After Su Yu was sure that all the birds and beasts had been sucked out of the city by him, he opened his mouth.


【Lion's Roar】

It was as if a gaping dam had been discovered, and the flood was violently vented.

The energy of gourmet cells turned into a sound wave visible to the naked eye and swept away towards the birds and beasts.

A fan-shaped ripple swayed in the transparent space, this is the sound wave formed by the sound!

At this moment, the brains of all creatures roared.

The sound resounding through the sky was even heard by creatures hundreds of kilometers away!

And the sound is very clear and loud, and the inexplicable power of the carrier makes them feel scared!


The brain is shaking, the body is shaking.

The eardrum was shattered in an instant, and blood flowed out of the ear hole.

The severe pain caused the birds and beasts to scream in terror, and the struggle became more intense!

The wings that covered the sky were constantly fanned, forming a gust of wind whistling around.

The dagger-like feathers began to shoot out, and the ground and trees were pierced like paper paste.


"hold in mouth!"

A ferocious-looking monster kept roaring.

But the terrifying gravitational force made their bodies unable to move, and they could only stay in place to withstand the impact of the sound waves.

Soon, they felt their consciousness gradually dissipating.

The excruciating pain begins to disappear, and so does the sensation of the body.

The blood from the ears even pooled in rivers on the ground.

Click, click!

Although not aimed at the city, the vibrations in the air made the glass in the city begin to shatter.

Even some houses with poor materials have cracks!

The earthquake strikes again, only this time it was caused by Su Yu!

This makes people in underground shelters unbelievable.

Feel the tremor under your feet, you must know that this is 500 meters underground!

Su Yu's voice can actually affect this!

However this is only the beginning!


In their gaze, the first pterosaur-like bird fell.

The body of dozens of meters smashed to the ground, and dust and sand splashed everywhere.

In the center of the cobweb-like fissure is a crater ten meters in diameter.

When the smoke cleared, the dead body came into view.

The dim eyes and the unwavering chest all indicate that it has lost its signs of life!

One has two. After the winged bird fell, one bird and beast kept falling from the sky.

And every bird and beast is stained with bright red blood, as if it is raining blood!

Boom, boom...

Continuous voices came, and each voice represented the passing of a life.

Looking at all this without wavering in his eyes, Su Yu didn't have the slightest sympathy in his heart.

Maybe there's nothing wrong with them, they just popped into the world.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone, but the nature of the world is the law of the jungle!

When they appeared in the city, their fate was already doomed.

Ten minutes later, the torrential rain formed by the corpses ended.

On the ground is a dense pile of corpses!

The rich smell of blood wafted in the air, and even the air was dyed blood red.

Just looking at it makes my scalp tingle!

Looking at this scene with shock and sluggishness, people seem to have not reacted.

That countless terrifying monsters have been solved like this?

God Su let them all die with just a roar!

Whether it is a beast of a few meters in size, or a beast of a few hundred meters in size, there is no resistance in front of God Su!

"My God, is God Su already so powerful? His power is too strong, and all the tens of thousands of beasts were shaken to death!"

"One husband is in charge, ten thousand husbands do not open it, Su Shen is invincible!"

"God Su is our savior, thank God Su!"

"One thing to say, I feel that God Su can't be called a human anymore, he is a real god!"

When people reacted, their faces immediately showed excitement.

Even his speech became incoherent, and he tried his best to compliment each other with the vocabulary he had learned all his life.

The man standing on top of countless corpses seemed to be explaining what true strength was.

Who is the real powerhouse!

The girls looked at the powerful and domineering figure with blurred eyes.

With autumn water in his eyes, a circle of ripples swayed.

Some indescribable things come to mind.

But what they don't know is.

Although the sound alone has caused tens of thousands of creatures to die.

There was no pride or arrogance in Su Yu's heart.

Because he knew that his strength was still as small as an ant.

No, if you put him in the food world, the ants there can easily kill him!

And Satan in Su Yu's body turned off the wheat early and went to sleep.

For it, this kind of battle is really boring.

It's as if two microbes are fighting each other.

"The capital is now resolved. Although I want to go to the next place, the sky is already dark. Let's take a rest here first."

After thinking for a while, Su Yu looked at the darkening sky and made a decision.

Anyway, people have already hid in the shelter in advance, and it doesn't matter if they go later.

What's more, even if he rushes to other cities non-stop, it will take at least ten days to clear all the cities.

It's not urgent, it can be done slowly.

At most, let them eat gruel for a few more days, which is not a big problem.

Thinking like this, Su Yu turned to look at the iron feather bird at his feet.

The appetite in the body gradually increased.


After two battles and a long journey, Su Yu's stomach also made an urging sound.

Remind him it's time to eat!

"Let everyone come out to eat. 95

Su Yu called Liu Tianzheng, and he knew that the other party was also in the shelter in the capital.

Anyway, he couldn't finish eating so much, so he might as well ask people to come out and eat together.

It can be considered a little comfort to those who are living in anxiety these days.

Soon, a soldier appeared in Su Yu's line of sight.

They methodically checked whether the city was still in danger.

Although Su Yu said that there were no more beasts in the city, they still had to check it out for safety.

After confirming that no other creatures existed, Liu Tianzheng let us civilians come out of the shelter.

"Thank you for what you do, Su Yu. 35

Liu Tianzheng stood in front of Su Yu and thanked him solemnly.

He knew that if it weren't for the existence of Su Yu this time, the loss of Yanlong Kingdom would be incalculable!

Not only the loss of property, but also human beings will be killed and injured countless times!

It can be said that Su Yu alone saved the Yanlong Kingdom!

Thinking of this, Liu Tianzheng even bent down.

This shocked the people around him.

To know who Liu Tianzheng is, the supreme commander of the Yanlong Kingdom!

Usually his words and deeds have to be done after thinking twice.

Because his words and deeds themselves represent the attitude and face of the country!

His bending over is equivalent to the entire Yanlong Kingdom bending over to Su Yu!

However, the surrounding soldiers opened their mouths and finally did not speak.

Just because Su Yu deserves this prayer!

Even they couldn't help but follow Liu Tianzheng and bent down that straight body.

Be aware that among the people Su Yu saves are their families too!

There is no doubt that Su Yu is the savior to all of them!

After that, civilians also appeared one after another on the ground.

A look of doubt appeared in the eyes of the soldiers who were bent over.

Immediately after learning the reason, they also bent down.





Countless people bent down in the same direction.

Some people even knelt directly on the ground!

Under the leadership of Liu Tianzheng, they expressed their sincere thanks.

"Thank you Mr. Su for saving your life!"

"Thank you Mr. Su for saving your life!"

The loud voice resounded throughout the world, echoing in the air for a long time.

Even Su Yu felt ripples in his heart when he saw this scene.

An unparalleled satisfaction and joy flooded his body, making his tiredness dissipated a lot.

At the same time, he also felt that what he did was not useless.

After all, there are very few white-eyed wolves who are not grateful for saving him.

The people of Yanlong Kingdom have been a humble and grateful nation since ancient times.

Without rejecting their gratitude, Su Yu wasn't so pretentious.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out and picked up an unknown bird and asked Liu Tianzheng and the others with a smile:

"Let's have a meal together?"

So, the capital also staged a food feast!

Tang Niu, Weiss and others even volunteered to cook food for everyone.

It's just that after they appeared, everyone strangely didn't know them anymore.

Mo Yanxue, William and the others are fine, but they look a little stronger and their skin is a little better.

But are Weiss and Don Niu going a little too far?

5.6 saw that their all-white hair had turned black.

The loose and wrinkled skin has become like a middle-aged person.

The stooped body has also become stronger, and the height seems to have become a little taller.

Rolling up his sleeves, he revealed his muscular arms.

This is how they changed after eating puffer whale meat!

Not only does he look younger, but the power in his body has skyrocketed more than tenfold!

That makes them all superhumans now!

Foles has tested that he can easily overturn a small car with all his strength!

So, it would be perfect for them to cook these creatures!

I saw Tang Niu stretched out his hand and grabbed a strange bird whose upper body was a bird and its lower body was a snake.

This strange bird is six meters high, and he was easily carried on his shoulders!

Putting it in an open space, he took out his own kitchen knife.


A knife fell, and the body of the strange bird was instantly divided into two!

But this is not over, the last knife just fell, followed by countless knife lights.

There was no extra movement, and every move fell next to the bone.

Puff, puff!

A minute later, Tang Niu put away the kitchen knife.

The head of the strange bird was gently lifted in his hand, and then a shocking thing happened!

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